This has to be some kind of performance art project.
This has to be some kind of performance art project.
There's a very bored little Sonny Bono standing on that balcony.
Oh my god, that makes SOOOOOO much more sense.
I loved when Sam and Alcide went to confront the werewolves in their shop and Sam got in that werewolf's face. Giant Alcide, giant other wolf, tiny little Sam. It was pretty hilarious.
I wondered about that, too. For a second, I thought maybe Sookie's light-ball thingy broke Antonia's spell over all the vampires, but then they still had those two, so... whatever. I guess we're just going to forget about rotting Pam-face for now (although it was one of the best parts of the season).
I don't get what she's so upset about. It sounds like she brought up gaming, and he mentioned that he was into gaming. Also that he was a champion. That is relevant information. I guess I don't really see why this is a deal breaker, either.
I'm not a lawyer type, but it seems to me that you undermine your credibility when you include such blatantly ridiculous stuff as birthday cards, curfews and seat belts. One of my cousins is currently suing his sister because she is the trustee of their mother's (sizeable) trust fund (their mother is suffering from…
Ah, thank you. I was too lazy to read the article.
She's got 11 kids and she's going to be flying from Oklahoma to Massachusetts and back again every week? Just how successful was this gymnastics business?
I get really tired of the "women will change their minds" baloney. I've known tons of women who have had their tubes tied and have never known anyone who said that they regretted the decision. Back in the late 80's, my mother had to beg for a tubal ligation after having had four children in six years; the doctor…
I thought the same thing. If you want to risk your life to have a baby, that is your decision and I'm 100% behind you. But decent people do not demand that others risk their lives without good cause. And a fetus (one which will die if its mother dies, btw) is not a good cause.
These people strike me as desperate to see the world as black and white. I know a lot of people who have very serious objections to abortion, many of whom believe that it should be illegal. But almost to a person, they are very quick to acknowledge that rape victims are a special case, that women who might lose…
Even if it wasn't rape (and, from his description, it was), that is the saddest sexual encounter ever. She's drunk, she clearly wanted someone else, and she tells you no, and you still keep coming at her? Even if at some point she said, "Okay," that's still really, really sad. What's wrong with you? Have a little…
"The research is clear: the more a young person sees smoking in films the more likely they are to try smoking themselves."
My god, where do you live?!
Even when you do pay more, they often don't deliver. I tried upgrading and we went from 8Mbps to... 9Mbps. For an extra $25 a month. Thanks, no.
We cancelled our cable service and switched to Dish a couple of years ago. When I went to the cable office to schedule a disconnect and bring back the box, I expected that the representative would try to give me some kind of discount or something. Instead she said, "Oh, okay. Is it because our DVR boxes are so…
Thank you. It was freaking me out that I couldn't identify what part of the body that was.
So, stuff you've hidden (like your cousin's status updates because all she ever talks about is Jesus and her two-year-old and it's boring or all that stupid game shit)... will that be showing up in your feed or does blocked stuff stay blocked?
What kind of breakfast cereal are you buying? My Kashi Heart to Heart, which is outrageously expensive compared to stuff like Cheerios, is $3.99 a box.