Well said. Nobody talks about the people who exist because their mothers were able to end bad pregnancies, or pregnancies as a result of abusive relationship, and then go on to raise healthy, well adjusted people under better circumstances.
Well said. Nobody talks about the people who exist because their mothers were able to end bad pregnancies, or pregnancies as a result of abusive relationship, and then go on to raise healthy, well adjusted people under better circumstances.
Bummer, it looks like they password protected their site.
Ditto. Scared the crap out of me.
After he recovered from laughing, I'm sure he told the young man that that was not a punishable offense.
I don't see how it's any worse than police dogs. If you have a philosophical problem with war, that's a separate issue. But many dogs like to (sometimes need to) work, and here is a dog doing valuable work that he or she can do better than a human or a robot. Injury aside, I'd bet you that's a pretty content pup.
Okay, I've got seven months of pregnancy plus three months of maternity leave to figure out how I'm going to pay for those organic mangoes...
I always thought that Scrubs was being dishonest about health care when it would show some of the doctors playing a little fast and loose with the law in order to get some people health care. I'm glad to hear that it is sometimes the truth that people do that. And now I'm sad that it's even necessary for doctors to…
I think it comes down to the profit issue. Most people I don't think would have a problem with some rationing or controls if it's to benefit the greater good (i.e. spread resources to others who may need them more). The problem is that when your HMO is run by a for-profit company, you start to think, Wait, are you…
I will admit that this squicks me out a little. In this case, it's kind of a relief to say, "Look, do what you're going to do, okay? I don't want to make a decision about anyone else's life."
This is not at all an unfair question, nor is it sexist. If a man had said, "I submit to my wife," well, he probably would be laughed off the stage. But in an alternate universe where he actually might become president, we would all probably want to know what that means. Likewise, if a Catholic candidate said, "I…
Did anybody else hear Marc Maron's interview with Aubrey Plaza (from Parks and Rec)? She had a stroke when she was 19 after years of migraines. Good lord, that kind of thing is terrifying.
Yeah, it's not a great sentence, but I think they're saying that you've got three groups, people who go from a preference to no preference, people who go from a boy or no preference to a girl preference and people who go from a girl preference or no preference to a boy preference. The biggest group is the one that…
And I will watch, too. With a box of tissues and a box of Pepridge Farm cookies. I am not even kidding.
If I wasn't already pregnant, I'm pretty sure I would be after looking at those pics.
Also, if she was brought here by Catholic Charities, wouldn't she be familiar with the other things they do, at least a little? I mean, wouldn't she know where there was a church? She wouldn't be the first person to drop a baby off on the steps of a church.
Crazy, right? One of my dogs barrels around the house and has no problem knocking into people and furniture when he does. But when there's a kid around, he's suddenly the quietest, most gentle dog ever. He's never jumped on a child or knocked them over - just sniffs them carefully, gives them one little lick, and…
I hate that gesture so much. On the last elimination episode of So You Think You Can Dance, Melanie kept making that motion after she found out she was safe. It filled me with irrational and undeserved hatred for her.
Yeah, I'm going to bust a gut if Jennifer Aniston pulls a Sarah Palin and manages to hide a pregnancy until, like, month seven. The scrambling that would occur as editors try to figure out how the hell they missed that one would be all kinds of hilarious.
Good point. There were a couple of articles recently in the New York Times about families getting torn apart by deportation. One was a Polish couple who both came to the country legally, met, married, started a business, had a child, and then the wife's asylum application was denied. She and the son went back and…