
When I had an early miscarriage (8 weeks) a couple of years ago, my doctor and I were discussing it and she mentioned that some people collect the discharge from early miscarriages and want it tested to find out if it was a girl or a boy. I thought, "Oh my god, why would you want that!?!" It's bad enough to lose a

One step ahead of you, Gloria. I planned to boycott this already, but mostly because it just didn't look good.

Yeah, it's bad in the Midwest and the Southeast (also, we've got quite a bit of it in the northern bits of New England), but in the Northwest and Southwest, it's insane.

The preservatives in bread is really astonishing. Buy a loaf of bread on the first of the month, you'll probably still be able to eat it by the 15th! That is both astonishing and terrifying. I started buying bread with no preservatives from a local bakery a little while back. It tastes better and can still be

Yeah, pretty much exactly.


I'm beginning to suspect that the TSA is just as managerially fucked up as the agency my husband works for. There are constantly new and contradictory rules coming down, important information is suddenly disappeared from the electronic manual because some State Department employee didn't like the wording and we'll

My business partner and I are both women. Granted, we're a publishing startup not a tech start up, but there has been no crying. Maybe it's just her?

In that case, I usually start imagining the angry hate-sex we could have.

We all know that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are not actually dating, right? I mean, we are all aware that as soon as the Twilight movies are over, they're splitsville, right?

I know. I find my sense of decency and shame to be really crippling.

Well, hello there, Uncanny Valley.

Re Update: So, you'll have your regular news feed with all the stuff that Facebook's algorithm thinks you'll be interested in. And then you'll have a separate feed that shows everything. Does that separate feed then include stuff that I have purposely chosen to block? Because I purposely blocked Mafia Wars updates

Or whatever your own reasons are, this celibate gentleman [Cardinal Daniel diNardo, chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities] knows better.

I am so jealous of my dogs. They spend their days going from couch to bed on the floor to human bed and back again. Three times a day, they go for a leisurely walk, and twice a week they go for a run at the park. People are always happy to see them. And when they're feeling insecure or nervous, they just find a

"I am against abortions now," she said.

Crap - I'm going to have to learn how to sew if I have kids - especially girls - aren't i?

I spend half an hour trying to unclog my sinuses.

When I was thirteen, my friend Allison, whose parents both worked and left her alone with an AOL connection after school, showed me a series of emails between her and some guy she met in a chat room. He told her he was twenty eight (she told him she was nineteen) and he detailed all the things he was going to do to

They said they have an audiotape of Jeffs raping a 12-year-old girl.