
If she was famous for doing anything worthwhile, I'd agree with you (and I'm willing to use a pretty broad definition of worthwhile). But she's just famous for being her: blonde, slender, rich, in posession of a famous name, and willing to show up pretty much in front of any camera anywhere. If you're famous for

I'll admit that this wouldn't be a bad policy to impliment personally, but I'd be uncomfortable with that being the law.

A good friend of mine is really small but has become a total top in the last few years. He says it's all about attitude. But I think our examples might just be the exceptions that prove the rule, no?

Seriously. Forget Obama's birth certificate; I want to see Sigourney's. That's not the face of a woman over sixty.

Did your cat see it as a form of territory marking and poop in your slippers the next day? Because I'm pretty sure that's what my cat would have done.

A friend of mine started dating a guy who insisted on seeing proof that her divorce was final because he said he had dated a woman who claimed to be divorced but it turned out was still married. Guess what? After a couple of months of dating this guy, my friend discovers that he's married.

Dan Savage asks the right question about people like this: Would you like your daughter to marry one?

I can never unsee the lip licking thing after that weird head move.

My cousin "Stan" (not his real name, although he doesn't deserve the protection) once got all high and mighty around my atheist husband because obviously you are a horrible person if you don't believe in God. This was funny because not ten minutes earlier, Stan had been telling us all how he goes to bars, tells girls

That's really confusing. The Wall Street Journal is owned by Dow Jones, which is owned by NewsCorp, which also own Fox News. Why does Texas hate Fox News??

What is wrong with people?

I read it the same way!

There is no such thing as absurdly happy about Margo Martindale getting nominated for an Emmy for playing the delightfully terrifying and totally awesome Mags Bennett. All delight is completely appropriate.

Dexter for best series? Really? Are they sure that they watched the last season and not, maybe, one of the better seasons? Really?

Wait, you don't have to be licensed in most states to do ultrasounds? Seriously? That seems kind of messed up.

You know what? My dogs get a treat when they do something right. Want to go for a walk? You have to sit nicely while I put your leash on. You want dinner? Not if you're crowding me at the food container. You want a marrow bone? You're going to have sit and stay/lay down and stay/etc.

What the everloving fuck?!? I'm too furious with my own state to think clearly right now. Oh, and Councilor Raymond Wieczorek, you're on notice, dickwad.

Some people equate variety with excitement. While I'm not going to begrudge anyone their own arrangement, I found it difficult to fully explore the kinkier side of my sexuality until I was in a relationship with someone I completely trusted. That wouldn't have been possible without monogamy. It's possible that we

It sounds like he admitted to sex but claimed she wasn't blacked out. I guess. It's not really very clear.

"Never hit my wife. why would i start abusing after she was positive after taking a pregnant-c test."