That one on the right cannot be real... can it?
That one on the right cannot be real... can it?
My sister-in-law smoked through her whole pregnancy. She said, "Well, it would be more stressful for the baby if I tried to quit. We're both addicted now!" My niece is four, now. She has asthma and she's tiny. My sister-in-law is not a stupid woman, just profoundly selfish.
In a lot of ways, I feel like this is a little bit of a last gasp of this kind of masculinity defined as superior to femininity. I'm about to turn thirty, and most of the couples I know are pretty egalitarian. I only know a few stay at home moms, and I know about half as many stay at home dads (which is a pretty…
Look, religious douchebags, I am not interested in dying for your religious beliefs. If I need an abortion, I want there to be someone who can perform it safely and competently. Or, I tell you what, we'll also stop teaching doctors how to treat testicular cancer. I mean, if God really loved you, would he have let…
Iran allows transgender people to get married to someone who is of the same chromosomal sex (a male to female transgendered person can marry a man).
Totally agree. I'm the whitest person you have ever met in your life, but my brother is adopted. His birth father was black, so he's fairly dark skinned. In our very, very white, very, very progressive-liberal, very, very educated part of the northeast U.S., he encountered shocking discrimination. For instance, as…
I'm jealous.
Hearted, too.
This reminds me a lot of the Assange business. When those rape allegations were made public, I couldn't believe how many of my left-leaning friends just dismissed the women's claims out of hand, as though there wasn't any possible explanation except that he'd been set up. Apparently the impulse to protect members of…
I defy you to read this note without hearing an extremely posh English accent in your head.
Oh my god, I forgot how much I missed pre-redesign Jezebel!
The French seem to think that life here in the US is really terrible. Look, we've got some problems and we should probably deal with you. But you know what? We still get laid. Pretty frequently. We fuck our co-workers, we fuck our friends, we fuck our neighbors - we fuck a fair amount of people. Yeah, we have…
God, now I'm furious about what happened to her all over again, and more so knowing that the men who did this will never be brought to justice.
Dan Savage had a pretty good riff on that Cosmo article on his podcast. I happened to be listening to that episode while walking my dogs in the woods and I was almost doubled over in laughter. I'm pretty sure the writers of Cosmo have never actually had sex or, for that matter, met a man.
Absolutely. That's super nice for her that God has forgiven her. Doesn't get her off the hook here on earth.
The day his first son was born, my husband's boss went out and bought a Dodge Viper which he then parked in one of his garages (there are six at his house). The car has not been driven more than a few hundred yards since. He intends to give the car as a gift to his son upon his son's 16th birthday. At the time, I…
I realize that this is probably too much to ask from parents and school administrators, but isn't this a potentially "teachable" moment? You know, about treating people with respect? To say that, Well, we can't keep kids from being assholes to you, so you're fired, seems to teach the wrong thing.
I would drink that.
Same thing happened at a local hospital here in New Hampshire. The dad of the baby who was accidentally given to the wrong woman made a huge deal about how the father of the other baby was black and had a criminal record. In the end, the whole thing just kind of faded (mercifully) away. I don't have kids, so maybe…
A few years ago, I had a temp position as a switchboard operator for a large office of engineers. Apparently, our 800 number spelled out something dirty in Spanish and so at least twice a week I would get a Spanish speaking gentleman trying to talk dirty to me. I knew enough Spanish (well, enough of the dirty words)…