
I thought it was kind of funny, too. A little obvious, but funny. They actually kind of made a bigger deal of it by bringing out the writer.

Any chance that "chinkle-chankle" is an onomatopoeia? Because that would be awesome.

"The true perversion, though, is the sense you get that all of this illicitness has been tossed in as a little something for the ladies, out of a justifiable fear, perhaps, that no woman alive would watch otherwise."

That's a much more historically coherent idea. The idea that God takes an interest in the day to day doings of the little people is a pretty new one.

It's one of the perks of being an elected official.

Yeah, we have a higher rate than pretty much everybody in the developed world: England, France, Germany (all countries that are much less religious than we are).

My husband and I spent our wedding night in the hotel where we got married. Then it was back to real life for two months before we left for our month long honeymoon (we're not rich - we just got lucky with travel deals and my mother-in-law gave us some money). I think that's the way to do it. While the fantasy is

Also, self loathing can be a powerful thing. If a closeted gay man beat up an openly gay man because of the victim's sexuality, the closeted man's admitting his sexuality would in no way erase the fact that he had beaten up his victim because he was gay.

Falconboy and I almost succumbed to this at the beginning. I have always been a very sexual person, and especially at the beginning of the relationship I felt like he should want it all the time. Things evened out - my insatiable need became, well, satiable, and as we explored kink he became a lot more sexual - and

In middle school, the 16 year old older sister of my best friend went to their parents and said that she wanted to go on birth control because she and her boyfriend had started having sex. Their parents were furious. Their mother slapped her, and both parents called her a whore and a slut and told her that her life

*primal wail*

My husband and I were looking at the sex offender registry one night and we found his grandmother's boyfriend. She had been bringing him around the family, and on a couple of occasions had had her young grandchildren staying at the house while he was there. She even went on a three day road trip with him and my

You should. It's horrifying and awesome all at the same time.

Oh god. That's awful.


When I saw the headline on this article, I thought, "Oh, KV Pharmaceuticals has backed down in the face of public outrage." Nope, it was the FDA that did what it could; KV Pharmaceuticals is sticking with being colossal assholes. That made me kind of sad. Even in the depths of my liberal heart, I like to believe

How does she run in that sleeveless top? I would be all kinds of busting out of there.

My god, that woman is all kind of classy. I love that dress.

So's the next mass murderer. Methinks it's a wash.

How is a lower life expectancy an example of men being treated unfairly?