Can't see her anymore without thinking of meth. HOW RUDE, I know.
I'm there as well. This is the type of time when my therapist reminds me that it doesn't matter what I eat as long as I eat. I think that's fair.
As a daily makeup-free person, I figured out a while ago that "no makeup" means "more foundation than I've ever worn."
The Kindle Daily Deal alert e-mail is my best friend!
Confession: I bought the series as a Kindle set when it was on sale for like 99ยข, but I still haven't read it. Is it actually good? I know the movies are often compared/contrasted to Twlight, but I don't know how to interpret that.
You know, I couldn't place the exact moment when I went from having opinions on Gaga to just flat-out not caring, and you helped me realize it was the egg. Thank you for this public service.
I realized today that my "type" is based entirely on the 40-something therapist I had in middle school and I am so weirded out by that, even though it makes complete sense.
Hi, me!
I have celiac disease. Eating gluten-free tends to make people gain weight because of all the refined white flours and sugar. A big part of gluten-free weight loss is making as much as possible from scratch using healthier flours, like 100% pure buckwheat and garfava.
Following the SparkPeople meal plans combined with a solid 30-minute walk every day has helped me. And it's all free, so woo.
I'm pretty positive they actually have a few female writers? Meredith Scardino is there, Alison Silverman is there more than not, and they have a couple young ones, or at least they did. This is weird.
You can find most on YouTube (broken into segments) or DailyMotion (or something like that; I've only used it for watching him). Why the BBC is so set against airing him or even offering his DVDs in the U.S. is beyond me. But he lives in Los Angeles now, so there's hope?
He married her.
I don't watch Animal Planet because the random "here's a lion eating a baby whatever" commercials scare me silly and I AM OKAY ADMITTING THAT.
Because she has nothing left.
Does this apply retroactively to past comments? Because I will totally go look up that little shit who wished death upon John Oliver like five months ago. I DON'T FORGET, BONERJAMZ03.
Oh god, you HAVE to see his specials. So inventive and hilarious.
Actually, he can't go back to being a doctor because he lost his board certification in 2005 and made up his own "certification board" in protest. LOLOLOLOL.