
The vast overwhelming majority of people in the US, especially women,say they belong to some kind of religion, so Wolf made a reasonable assumption in thinking this woman would have Thanked the Lord for her good luck in not being smitten by an angry God that obviously must have been pissed off with her or is involved

She was lovely and classy; so gratious about the question and her defference to others' spiritual beliefs. I would be freaking the everlovingfuckout if I had lived through that shit. I would be screaming out for the Lord,Jesus, Mary, Mother Teresa, Buddha, Vishnu, Poseidon, Memnon, Odin, Anansi, Harvey the Rabbit,

He looks like his face is made of clay. Gross and not cool at all.

If you really think that now's the time to wear weapons on your shirt into your middle/high school, kid and kid's dad, you're a fucking idiot and that's it.

"I will go to the ends of the earth, I will call people, I will write letters, I will do everything in the legal realm to make sure this does not happen again," Lardieri said.