
If you're suggesting that culture is solely to blame, then you might want to look to other countries where entitlement, class divisions, alienation, glorification of violence, and misogyny also run rampant. Basically: any other country. The difference between the U.S. and those countries is: those other countries

Oh, please. Enough with the "parents need to pay more attention/stop spoiling/pay less attention/instill a work ethic in their kid" bullshit. Kids don't grow up in sterile, parent-controlled bubbles. Nurture and nature work in tandem—one doesn't magically preclude the other.

Quiet, everyone! White man talking!

First off: Joe the Plumber is still a thing? Like, has no one told him that 15 minutes is not supposed to last seven years?

I always find it so obnoxious when conservatives refuse to acknowledge institutionalized misogyny and rape culture—both of which pervade virtually every movement (politics, race, class)—and then when a liberal man makes a sexist statement, it's "see! Liberals can be sexist, too!" And then you have to explain "liberal"

1) Of course there's a National Center for Men.

That made me laugh so hard and feel so sad that it's thrown me into an existential crisis...WHY ARE WE HERE?!?

That's how I saw this, too. Just...ugh...that's so sad. It's sad on two levels: 1) her religious upbringing led her to contextualize her abortion as a murder she had to commit, and 2) she's the mother of an autistic child, and we have a loooong history of blaming mothers for autism, so she was bound to find SOMETHING

Well, this is the conundrum, isn't it? From my perspective: I'm pregnant with my second kid and my boobs were never that perky to begin with, but now I'm 1000% positive they're going to look like wet flannel sheets when I'm done breastfeeding. I don't want plastic surgery. I don't want to take the risk (which I'm sure

Ohhh. Jesus, I was thinking of like, Hep B and C and was freaking out, wondering if I'd managed to contract an STD from that Jimboys taco I had last week...

I seriously had no idea you could even get Hepatitis from food. WHO knew you could consume Hepatitis?!

Yeah, whatever organic tissue is left over is promptly treated with ammonia and formaldehyde TO KEEP YOU SAFE FROM LIFE.

I find sex during pregnancy kind of weird. It's hard to do the fun things when there's a giant belly in the way, especially when my belly is like, on top of my husband. And then a baby kick completely kills it, and it's back to ice cream and Netflix on the couch.

Wholeheartedly agree. I've never given much thought to Pamela Anderson—didn't NOT like her, she's clearly a smart ass business woman, but wasn't a huge fan. As a parent, though, this just twists a knife in my gut. To think you can do everything right by your child but some horrible people will still find their way in

That's a clinical term used in kids' IEPs. If they're listed as MR it means "mentally retarded." Half the kids in our class were listed as "mentally retarded."

I think nothing short of breaking a kid's leg will get a teacher fired. I once reported a teacher's aide that I worked with in a special ed class when I overheard her tell a mentally retarded boy to get away from her because she didn't want to look at his "ugly face." Nothing happened. Seriously, after working in that

At the very least, this kid clearly needs to be removed from whatever home environment is turning him into such a psychopath. It reminds me of some boys—a group of cousins—I went to school with growing up. We waited at the same bus stop and all three of them had slapped me in the face at some point or another, usually

Let me highlight a couple of spots for you:

"masterbation is treated as just as shameful for men as it is women"

Srsly. I just posted a comment about a kid I used to nanny who comes from a super hardcore gun-toting family who posted a pic on FB yesterday of a rattlesnake that he found in his driveway, nailed to a tree, and shot in the head with a Glock pistol, alongside his ten-year-old brother. But this is the family that