Search no more. Violett Beane’s face will do nicely.
Search no more. Violett Beane’s face will do nicely.
The penalty is that the originating military has a lot more experience in flying, servicing, and integrating that design into their combined forces. That counts for something.
Where’s MythBusters when you need them?
It would seem that Tardigrades hired a much better PR team than these guys did.
Predictable, you say?
Then you kiss your asteroid goodbye.
Humans have always engaged in what I call agency synthesis, where they create entities that seem to take on a mind of their own and stray from the founder’s vision, because people suffer from pluralistic ignorance. Communism succumbs to this as easily as capitalism.
I think it’s more a case of humanity being a threat to humanity.
No,no,no. There is only one future Tank Girl, and that is Pink!
It looks like they wore Crocs. (No, not THOSE crocs).
“You can pry it from my cold dead gooch.” just doesn’t seem to have the same gravitas.
Oh, THAT’S your concern?
K-Pop, right?
“A whale this size isn’t devoured in a day....”
“Hello. Do you have anything I can put on my skin that looks exactly like the skin I already have? You do? Perfect. I have lots of money to waste. Can you also overcharge me for it?”
Let’s remove your gallbladder and then see how often that happens.
Let’s remove your gallbladder and then see how often that happens.
Scarier than Wayne and Celine? I don’t think so.
“Now what?.....”
Well, as long as it’s a contest...