
This sounds good. A trick I ran across to liven up apple pies is to use the juice and zest of half a lime along with zest/juice of half a lemon on the sliced apples before adding flour/sugar/spices. Your grandma will be all “what the hell did you DO?”

Fire is oxidation. And oxidation is rust, so it just rusted really fast.

Ask him what he calls that wide gulf between breakfast and lunch.

Silly ? But he has his own throne.

Double-tap ?

I could retire in Wichita.

It would appear that anyone’s humble existence can end up being meaningful in the long view.

I think the glasses and the XP desktop are just a clever disguise....

I’d call it the Courtesy Capsule, since you are likely saving someone else the trouble of dealing with your clippings.

Where do I sign the cunt declaration petition?

We like to think that it’s effective to battle irrationality with rationality and evidence, but it isn’t always. People can always rationalize that they had it turned off for their visit, or it transmits waves that are not detectable by normal means. Never underestimate the power of a mind with a badly-tuned agency

I can see where a giant ass might have wind problems.

For six hundred, they could put the controls on the top, so I don’t have to bend over to operate it. And I don’t want to have to go for my phone either. Yes, I am an old geezer.

If you are going to that trouble, why not design it to double the width of the armrest so that each person gets full space for one elbow?

They’re all crooks. Pick one.

I don’t understand people. They are making a science fiction film, and people are upset that they have messed with reality. Holy shit. I saw this with the 10% theory in “Lucy” and the mention of Aphrodite in Katy Perry’s Egyptian-themed “Dark Horse” video. Go look up the word “fiction”, people. And then get an

Kif: “Sir, I am detecting an explosion in the Scrotum sector, next to the Galactic Bulge.”

Adrenalin + Testosterone + Dopamine = DudeBromanceInTheSky