What a sausage-fest ! They could at least put the one woman in front !
What a sausage-fest ! They could at least put the one woman in front !
Wrong jetpacks, guys. Here is the one that puts out fires...
Look out. The corn is starting to pop.
I used to consider myself a conservative, until I actually started learning stuff.
Wow... and I thought lyrics didn’t matter.
Perfect for Al Gore.
One of my favorites. I am waiting to forget most of it so I can watch it again.
Just one more season of Caprica, and I could die happy.
And make you kiss a wookie.
Hack off the toe? Why don’t they hack off the band of tough tissue that strangles the toe? I assume they thought of this and for some reason it does not work.
I love a good female hero as much as the next person, but I feel the boobification of all our mythology is getting out of hand.
I can do that...
You do notice the sand being pushed off the edge, right? I ain’t cleanin’ up after that thing.
You are SO coming to my house to peel potatoes.
Rubik’s Cube ??? I’m pretty sure they are waterproof.
Ice Pirates. We left during the “space herpes” scene. Worst movie ever.
Why does nobody SMILE for photos anymore ??
No scarier asteroid than Kim-Un-365
My Q-Top is full of Q-Chips and I keep them clean with Q-Tips.
Can we make it venomous? Just to be fair, I mean ?