
For real? I know that Cheney was actually for it, which still baffles me to this day. Was it him you were thinking of perhaps?

I just think it’s hilarious how “androgynous” is basically masculine-presenting. And hell, the word has andro in it.

And these comments always get howls of approval from the Applebees customers general public.

We SO have to know your WPM now.

Nothing more awesome than a Canadian, Swede, German, or Aussie taking apart the ridiculous religiosity and irrationality that goes down stateside.

The sticking point lies with the fact that such covering is mandated by law in a lot of countries. And in others, very very heavily suggested non-wearers are immoral or asking for rape. That’s a big ass gap from wanting the wear banned outright or some such.

Davines melu shield for blow drying/ironing. I could kiss the stuff.

I was expecting way worse. This is basically the result of MJ “growing up” and becoming mainstream. Isn’t that what we want? Not that these types of people should serve as gatekeepers, but this level of accessibility, penetration... that’s kinda the point.

I think this is yet another dumb thing unique to us. MAYBE Australia would also qualify, as they are known for fervent patriotism and tacky things like flag tattoos, merchandise, etc.

Metabolism and such. I eat way too much chocolate and don’t do dedicated workouts, yet I’m rewarded with thinness and some muscle even. =)

Super President Kickbutt will have a field day. The whole Thunderman family will put aside heroics and not intervene.

Dirtying the place up AND attracting bears. That just ain’t right.

“We’re not racist - we elected a black president!”

That sounds awesome.

Unfortunately yes. Are you new here?

That outfit actually sounds kinda nice.

Well that CEO does sound hella boring though, damn.

Lacoste 4 lyf, yo.

Male default on Jez? 1/5 would not return.

Instead of the bile, an ideal reaction would be to applaud this case and these people because we’ll all be less likely to be denied services now.