
That’s the unfortunate side effect of the two party system we have. Settling this type of shit is what the primaries are for. Personally, I’d rather Elizabeth Warren get it. If she tries and fails, then we have to unite behind the nominee or else we get President Cruz. This is serious business here.

Factually you're more or less correct. In spirit however, very wrong. Never give up.

Based on your comments, I get the feeling you're from the Netherlands. One of the best places in the world bar none. I'm sure most of you know but for a refresher, they operate a boat called Women on Waves that is literally a floating abortion clinic. Then, as a big fuck you to regressive countries that ban abortion,

But overall NH is left of center, am I correct? It seems to reflect that with its elected officials and Presidential preferences.

Your disdain is well-placed. Preach on. Although, isn’t there something to be said positively that the state cares at all and tries? Even if the equal pricing law has a 10% compliance rate, that’s better than nothing.

I think the point here is not that women are merely choosing higher-end salons. Often at the same place, unless it’s a Great Clips sorta joint, there’s separate pricing for men’s and women’s haircuts for no reason, regardless of hair type. I always tell my stylist that this is ridiculous, but of course it’s not their

I watch ALL of them. In many ways, the cheesy sequels are better.

What if 100,000 people read this article, and 1/10 of 1% of them actually move to Montana and live in a yurt? This article could singlehandedly generate 100 new yurt owners and you'd never even know it.

You work around a bunch of cool women, can bake, and live outside the US. Your life’s going great kid.

May I ask what industry and/or area? I love Japan and am considering moving there as a backup for my academic plans and/or parallel options related to that. But the wretched sexism really grinds my goat and makes me respect the place less.

You so shoulda thrown that at them. I’m anti-racist as it gets, but culture as a defense doesn’t work in this shit. Like in 2015 you can’t go around saying women are filthy so you can’t do professional gestures.

What's with this assistants/hair washer thing? I've gotten my hair cut at a bunch of places of varying pedigree and never ran into one.

PLEASE PLEASE let Kimmy and D.J. be a lesbian couple

You win definitely! I wish she was my friend 0v0

I'm a male Courtney. By my own volition; never liked my given name (Nicholas) and finally decided to go all out this year and petitioned my circuit judge to do what I want.

That's more of a thing for Asian women. Asian men tend to get overlooked, if not outright desexed/roboticized. Unless they're Martial Artists, obv. Hopefully this will end soon, with the Korean Wave coming through.

It's so weird to run into someone else who knows about South African geography. I love that place cause it's cheap, has perfect weather, and despite being a developing country happens to outpace most developed countries on many things (education, lgbt rights, women in leadership).

Selena is a sad lightweight

Nancy Pelosi gets no respect, no respect at all. She's the most powerful woman in U.S. history.

Basically, I mean maybe I'd put the Dems a little left of center. It's not like they didn't give it a 2 year college try to pass this whole thing.