Using the title of a decade-retrospective listicle over a feature story collection of extremely personal anecdotes about the author’s life strikes me as a narcissistic bait-and-switch. Both genres of story are fine but readers going in expecting one won’t be happy to find the other.

I didn’t realize the 2k20 in the title was the expiration date.

Off the top of my head, say good-bye to ever pressing L3 or R3 again.

I really wish the DS5 came with something like this standard which by the sound of the leaks it might not. At the very least it could replace L3 and R3 as a more organic input. 

I mean, Kickstarter’s history is a cautionary tale of over-promising and under-delivering, if anything this is a celebration of developers who not only delivered on promises but gave a quality product that was beloved by the community. I’m sure they worked a fair bit more than they initially envisioned but I doubt

My thoughts exactly. Wii U, anyone?

Very solid, it looks like it could be used as blunt weapon... Honestly is the design that I like the most of all the Xboxes...

Full backwards compatibility, no hoops. Just pop in my Psi Ops disc and it’ll run? I'm sure of a hoop or two though...

After naming a console the Xbox One X, having a name that’s THAT similar, with the same controller, this seems like a death wish....

So they just gave up and admitted that the Xbox is basically a PC and just made a PC tower. That’s cool, the design is solid.

I really really liked the design. That fucking name, though...

I assume it was a joke about his moustache. It’s... not bad... if that’s the case. but yeah, you gotta think tese things through.

On the one hand, harsh.

I find him to be an utterly negative complainer in almost any video I see him in but I guess it doesn’t stop him from being a decent human being!

Not sure about Twitch streamers, as the ones that have YouTube channels typically just upload the streams raw, but a lot of YouTube channels recently have hired people who make compilations to upload them to their official channels. Dunno who started it, but Game Grumps was the first one I saw. 

Your first impression was right. This story is the exception, not the rule.

Asmongold handled that much better than I would have if I was in his position, that’s for sure.

Honestly, sometimes I think it’s just because someone thinks it’ll be funny or they get off on harassing people. Flying back from Birmingham, they selected us, parents with two small kids, and proceeded to open our suitcases and dump everything out on a stainless steel table, prod through every article of clothing

Random selection?

I mean, it might be that they are required by TSA policy to go through the whole speech as a liability thing, protection from lawsuits sorta thing. Just in general, if the drones are doing a thing that seems pointless and annoying for everyone involved, it’s because their bosses have threatened to fire them if they