What is good about having a one time use item?
What is good about having a one time use item?
I’m honestly confused. You like not being able to easily teach your Pokemon the moves you want them to have?
I agree, when people push themselves to the limits of what’s possible, there is usually medical profesionals at least on stand by.
The only way i’m down with this is if it involves a doctor checking him out at regular intervals to let the stream know how he is deteriorating and the effects it has on the human body. Whenever anyone pushes themselves past what is normal I want numbers! Give me them stats! It is a pointless record to beat so if…
I’m split on this. On one hand I am okay with people pushing past healthy limits to explore the limits of human physicality be it enhanced or natural. I think there are reasons to do that both from a competition and personal sense of self discovery perspective. This seems different, this seems like a publicity stunt…
This feels like the video game equvelant of binge drinking towards alcoholism. This isnt healthy at all.
This is a bit different in that the OW1 game client will become the OW2 game client and just be gated off from the PvE content. New PvP modes, maps, and heroes will all be free to owners of the base game, same with the graphics update. OW2 seems to a marketing fail but otherwise really good for current players. It…
And that’s exactly why you don’t find this trailer appealing. You don’t play the game and you don’t have a single clue about the characters. Was it filled with clever and award winning dialogue? No. Doesn’t have to be. It’s overwatch for crying out loud. Many will appreciate this trailer regardless because you know,…
“Maybe its that I don’t play Overwatch and I’m not really attached to any of the characters”
“Maybe its that I don’t play Overwatch and I’m not really attached to any of the characters” i mean this was all you needed to say to explain why you pretty much didnt care.
Confusing transition between OW1 and OW2.....
Why? You can fully support that without changing a tiny graphic.
Fuck Jim Spanfeller, Fuck Paul Maidment, fuck their friends, fuck their family, fuck em for closing the comments, fuck em for being fucking greedy cunt assholes who drove my favorite website into the ground, fuck me, fuck you, fuck everything really.
“and the Nintendo 64's 32.94 units sold”
wow, never imagined that the n64 performed so badly, 33 consoles and one even with missing bits
I just hope the announcements and games are good.Blizzard is far from unique in being tied to China, So it seems a bit odd to put so much blame on them while ignoring the fact pretty much every big gaming company would do the same in their shoes.
Nobody seems to care about the fact that there are men out there that are being manipulated by these women.
You have to mix them yourself?!?
I was really hoping this was some unholy pre-mixed box of disparate childhood memories. I should’ve stopped reading at the headline and completely shut my brain off after seeing the terrible bowl of horrors on the box art. Charging a ridiculous 400% premium on an LGBT special edition cereal mix is somehow less…
Digimon’s entire third anime season deals with coping with death, grief, and pulling yourself out of self-blame and depression. It’s far, far different as a franchise than Pokemon. And that’s not to say one franchise is inherently better or worse than the other - but Digimon has historically gone out of its way to…