As cool as that would be to save a bit of money/get your own better HDD right off the bat, I think no matter how up front they were about it not having an HDD it would be a PR nightmare when the average consumer buys the cheaper one only to find it can't play any games since they all require mandatory installs :S

This. Even on "Extra" the PC port stutters on gaming rigs that can handle BF4, a much higher taxing game. I blame poor optimization for both the 720p on one side and poor frame rate on the other.

One of my biggest concerns with digital gaming for consoles was the monopoly Sony/MS would have on the prices in their respective stores. I absolutely love Amazon though, and if their normal sales on games are anything to go off of this could be amazing for digital games. (I'm not expecting Steam like sales but I am

Amazon is so awesome.

Simultaneously an insult and a huge compliment, nice!

Yeah Sonic sucks. Thanks Obama!!

This was fantastic and so spot on. Had a huge grin the entire time reading them all xD

Sadness. My 3DS just broke, had to borrow a friend's XL to finish KH 3D. I should really try to fix it I suppose since the warranty's up.

There are no explanations as to how this is happening?! :/ This sure is a shitstorm.

What are Microsoft doing in there you ask?

There were plenty of things I disliked about the 360 as a console (No wifi for the longest time, proprietary hard drive and small ones included for the longest time, high failure rate [though I did repair mine for less than $20 with the help of a friend it certainly was an ordeal]) but I honestly don't mind a power

Agreed. I wasn't old enough to get excited for the new trilogy, but now that I am for this one I don't want to get my hopes up too high. If it's good yay! But if it's bad, we still have the original trilogy, the books and the good video games to view :)

Of course it's worth it! Hell, I just pretty much watched the original trilogy for the first time this summer (I had seen it as a kid but didn't really understand it) and it was fantastic! I managed to get a hold of the original cuts, the quality was pretty bad but they were apparently incredibly similar to how they

Did it taste better because of how wrong (yet right) it was to get it so late? Gah now I want to do it lol

Ok, so of PS4's video looked the best which is to be expected. But anyone else find it interesting in just how different all 3 consoles are in terms of colour temperature? 360 seems quite warm, with more red/yellow in the sunset areas. PS4 seems more cool, with more blue/whites. And PS3 seems neutral, faded if

I think you've got the right idea. It's super important to realize that our preconceived notions of who gets food stamps can be so wrong at times. Sure, there will always be a portion of those that just rely on it and do no work etc (as the media would have us believe that would be the majority) but in fact it's not,

358/2 Days actually is incredibly clever once you beat the game to understand though! (Or watch the cutscenes as I did in the HD collection :P)

Agreed. I absolutely loved Ni No Kuni this year, and that's something I could only play on my PS3