Yoji Shinkawa does such great art :)
Yoji Shinkawa does such great art :)
It's definitely the beard, but the cat helps :)
They've shown that they can pull off realistic style movies with Pirates of the Caribbean and that was two gens ago. I'd love to see Sora interact with Luke, Han, and everyone else in that universe as they all have great character development arcs that would fit in with the game :)
I have to disagree. You say things like "I'm going to go shoot up an elementary school full of kids" and then get upset when police show up at your door, that's going beyond trash talk and is super out there/disturbing. (IDK, I don't mind most trash talk but I don't understand how that's supposed to be relevant or…
That's very spot on, maybe that's part of why I like it so much heh (Chrono Trigger/FFVI ftw :S)
I know the game is supposed to be more like 3D Dot Heroes than Minecraft, but I can't help but compare the two in that I like Cube World's faces so much more than the genericy blocks that are the Minecraft faces (Small detail but still :P)
Gah this post really made me want an awesome work cafeteria lol
Since the Wallet amount carries over to PSP and PS3, I assume it works the same way for Vita and PS4 considering it's all the same account.
Man, the guys in the industry were years ahead of us on this one.
You certainly are a buzzkill :P These look pretty great considering they're made free by one dude and a generator, and they're hilarious. (They just require a bit of imagination, I honestly don't mind that they're rough around the edges as the basic idea is implemented recognizably)
I imagine it'd be like the 90s MK graphics lol
You did the Occulus Rift video right? (IIRC :S)
Looks like they weren't able to censor everything. (Credit goes to lavour from tumblr for naming their town this xD)
I've played Sticker Star, and I'm sad to say I can confirm your suspicions :/ I absolutely loved the first Paper Mario game and thought TTYD was even better in every aspect, but Sticker Star is like 3 steps behind the first Paper Mario in all departments.
Paper Mario is my favorite of the 3 series though I love them all. Paper Mario just has that amazing wit and humor, great surprisingly well done RPG element, and unique paper platforming :D
I've seen his DBZ stuff before and this was just as impressive! Love the choreography, camera work, and effects he does. Counter is by far the best at what he does.
I never got to Resistance 3 because I never got through the first one :S I had it as a launch title and got like 2 hours in before just giving up for some reason. What's your opinion on the series?
If you want even more battery life, you can get the free JuiceDefender app. I have the Razr Maxx (Not HD but still good :P) and with the app I was able to get tremendous results.
There's something really creepy and soulless about the Mario from the Wii U version, I just can't put my finger on it. It reminds me of those real life costumes of Mario where he just has the same expression. Otherwise, I think the new redesigns look fantastic, especially DK (with his fur) Link (so awesome) and Bowser…
Heh, whenever I see a real life Kratos I think of this ad. (One of my all time favorite video game ads :D)