
And lastly, please—please—educate yourself on how your daytime running lights work, because I see far, far too many people driving around with just those on at night because they have no idea that their headlights aren’t on.

1 - It’s the future

Flying cars DO exist:

I love these sorts of easter eggs.

You sure that’s supposed to be a Porsche? Looks more like Auricom to me...

I’ve had Pre-check since its inception. The Pre lines now frequently exceed the length of the non-Pre lines. They move faster, but whatever. Sometimes they will randomly fuck you in the Pre line too. Make you take out your laptop randomly or some other crap like putting you through the non-Pre scanner. Just for the

Give it up Jalopnik, no amount of writing is going to convince us this series is that interesting. Just stop.

adds a comforting hassle

They're lame

Finally: a top 10 list that won't include the BRZ.