
Probably makes more sense if you take the perspective that he shot his way out of Green Bay once Rodgers went down.

That’s all true, but other things could give. Cut the last preseason game, extend, the season by a week and give teams two byes: one that is two weeks between games, one that is ten days (with the Thursday game following it). No more injury concerns, better rested players, maybe even more revenue and better TV deals

At his peak, Halladay was an absolute buzzsaw. Watching him pitch was an experience similar to watching Pedro or Randy Johnson. Even if he was ripping through your team’s lineup, you were just in awe when he had that stuff working.

So what, exactly, are his options here? Sit out the year and play next year, go abroad, or go to the G League?

During a game last weekend (Patriots?) a commentator mentioned that some officials aren’t limited to one flag - that they can opt to carry two flags. I’m not sure why, but that blew my mind.

6'2" 225 is quite a bit bigger than most DBs. Chancellor is that big, but most are more like 5'10" 200lbs. That’s more like an outside WR size.

He probably thought the penalty spot was the ball. Amazing.

Harvard is in Cambridge, not Boston.

The best part is, even if you give him all of the benefits of all of the doubts and boil his message down to the nicest, most constructive form possible, it still misses the entire point of everything that the movement and that meeting were about.

The question is whether he actually had possession. It’s more clear-cut here than it was in the Fail Mary, but that’s ultimately what the review was looking for.

Dan Fouts also shrieked that a defensive holding penalty on a punt was going to negate the turnover. On 4th and 13. For a ten yard penalty. That got tacked on to the end of the run.

Genuine curiosity: how does the NFL’s ratings decline compare with college football?

I’m gonna take it a step farther: I think Sid done goofed. You should never, in a million years, backhand a puck from behind the net in to the slot with three opposing jerseys there and no teammate in sight. Especially when your net is empty.

“Pop: lighter ball, 11 players, no hands, and some weird offsides rule.”

He also lost possession with the ball in his left arm, then regained control with his right arm. That’s the clearest evidence that it wasn’t an instant fumbleand recovery. That ball was out for a lot longer than it appeared to be.

I’m not saying if the call was right or wrong. But here’s what everyone is missing: before the fumble (it was a fumble), he’s carrying the ball in his left arm. He regains possession of it in his right arm. You could logically deduce, then, that he didn’t full regain control until he was out of bounds, and therefore

Because rules about tackling simply don’t matter in the NFL. We parse each pass frame by frame on catches, pass interference, and yardage questions, but there are shots to the head, horse collar tackles, and late hits on every damn drive with no repercussions. Here, the defensive player wasn’t anywhere close to

They also had John Brooks on the team until this year.

I live 5,000 miles from Schenectady, but occasionally I feel it’s not far enough.