Regarding your large person trope comment, I do have to point out the Female Chai.

I bet that drive thru has a sign that says something to the effect of “if you need assistance ordering please pull forward to the window” or something like that. I think they all do?

The fuck is the point of a credit card made out of damn titanium that you can’t put anywhere near anything?

He looks pretty good out there for a man of his age. Good press while Biden and Trump compete to see who can sundown quickest.

But what if with cat lyrics?

As always, shut the fuck up Tomato.

In first-world countries:

It’s food/anything delivery. Um don’t use it though - it fucks up shit with restaurants because unlike many of the other services, it doesn’t coordinate with the restaurant, so it doesn’t necessarily have up to date menus or prices, or the restaurant might not be equipped to send some of their food out for delivery

Please stop, Tomato. I get you’re doing a performance art thing, but please just stop.

Can someone please clean house and gray the fuck out of that Jan Van Der Heyden Russian bot or troll or whatever the hell they are?

Drink my diarrhea, Tomatochode.

Why don’t you just get “I’m a complete asshole” tattooed on your forehead and save yourself all this keyboarding time?

For those who aren’t going to read the whole interview, it gets “worse” right after the part quoted - dude is legitimately terrified of something.

Oh, we’re doing philosophy, are we? Well, then surely Ben Shapiro would be aware that what he’s doing here, namely committing an ontological or semantic error in which things belonging to a particular category are presented as if they belong to a different category, has a name in philosophy. Gilbert Ryle referred to

I constantly tell my parents that they did me no favors instilling me with morals and values, because these republicans can be fleeced every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

I did a topo job about thirty years ago, chopping lines through eight foot high palmettos, and every now and again you’d hear this grunting and crashing noise in the jungle, and the good ol’ boys I was working with told me it was wild hogs out there. Which I didn’t believe until I heard that noise coming up behind me

The other union that’s super behind Medicare for All? National Nurses United. Probably because many of us have had the sad task of taking care of someone who died or had a lifelong complication that could have been prevented by having access to a primary care doctor. And I’m sorry, our health plan through our union is

So some high profile names started to be mentioned and a man purportedly to be on 24 hour suicide watch is able to hang himself. This makes me legitimately angry, but I don’t know what I expected to happen with this case. The rich and powerful actually facing justice for their actions? Not a fucking chance in this

Meh, too pricey for not enough additional functionality. I have 2 omron cuffs that are pretty accurate, each has a lengthy memory and can store dozens of readings, and I keep one at home and one at the office. Fifty bucks each... which is also pretty pricey, but when you have HBP it’s the monitoring itself that helps