God, you’re dumb. Are Republicans ever asked this question before flushing trillions of dollars away on never-ending wars? It’s like you never think before you type. Just Heritage Foundation talking points forever.

Bullshit - this question is only ever posed to Democratic candidates. Further, if people are not throwing gazillions of dollars into the hands of private insurers, private hospitals, etc., and if the US government becomes a monopsony so that drug, facility and practice costs are driven down, there will be plenty of

If it were about convenience, I’d agree. But the reason I’m against the EGS is less about how it directly impacts me and more about how their business practices will shape the future of the industry.

Don’t “both sides” this shit. One of the two parties is actively obstructing anything resembling progress on these issues.

Best of luck, Nick. You’ve educated me more on Indigenous issues than anyone else ever has in my 40+ years on this Earth. 

“Gamer is upset that gamers are using gaming headphones”

The media trying to convince us that “The undecided voter” exists is the sadder part.

There’s a difference between having to deal with it every now and then.  And having to deal with it EVERY. SINGLE. GAME.  Having to deal with that kind of bile everytime you want to play a game is demoralizing, and it’s not something that should be happening.  Period.

That was two different things.

None of that is a valid excuse to not stop at a stop sign, especially when the intersection has a stop sign for only one direction and is a blind corner thanks to thick foliage.

presenting oneself for asylum isn’t against the law.

thankfully their opposition feels it would be indecorous to actually try to hold them to anything, out of terror it would make cocktail parties with Betsy DeVos awkward

I mean, as someone living in an area where the average rent for a 1br has gone up by nearly 25% over the last 3 years with absolutely no improvement to the buildings in the area or increase in median income, I’ll take a rent-controlled slum over those same slumlords continuing to jack up the rent with zero repairs or

This is an opinion piece, dawg, not a newspaper article. You should be ashamed of yourself for being a shitty reader.

It’s a fetish in some gay BDSM communities. Like there was a story a few months ago about a sub on tumblr dying because his master encouraged silicone injections right in the balls.

Don’t know what the cross-over appeal is for these straight incels. Probably the same reason we occasionally hear stories about people

Shapiro’s cultists are trying to ratio Buzzfeed for reporting on this claim, which was made in court papers it wasn’t something Buzzfeed developed themselves. It’s a great example of how bad faith is fundamental to modern conservative media.

As long as you’re on HBO, check out Chernobyl. Fascinating

Steel output is at an all-time low. As president, I plan to pick-it-up-pick-it-up-pick-it-up.”

Chernobyl is a must watch.

Bran wargs into the dragon burns everybody then puts wheels on the iron throne and rolls around Westeros creepily staring at people.