Oh, shut the fuck up.

If the choice is Biden v Trump, the end result won’t matter in the long run. The choice will be obvious in the short run, Trump needs to go, but the next Trump (and there will be another Republican who wins president) will be even worse. I did not think someone could top Bush so quickly. I was wrong.

Could someone get Scully to give me a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this? 

I served in the Navy from 96-00 on board a destroyer based in San Diego and did a couple West PAC tours to the persian gulf. I was a lowly PN3 and had to stand watch like most of the crew. While we were in transit to the gulf, I think after Malaysia, I was standing watch on the starboard side of the bridge with our

If Biden loses in 2020, it’s because he is a terrible candidate whom time has rightly left behind. Mindless cheerleaders like you who are afraid to call a turd a turd will be responsible, and I am going to bring it up.

Biden is basically the non-asshole mirror image of Trump, in the sense that he appeals to old white people who remember The Way America Used To Be™, but in a clueless “everyone used to be nice to each other ☹” sense rather than in an actively malicious “*those* people used to be inferior to me” way.

God, FUCK these people. This makes me sick. Any one who knows anything about medicine knows what a disaster this would be.

Some stray thoughts after reading your comment.

When I was in college I volunteered at a local no-kill shelter, that was really some old hippies running a non-profit on their run down farm. They took all animals, and had two ostriches and 4-5 emu.

I thought the whole point of having men’s shirts (and suit jackets but that’s another rant of mine) be longer was to accommodate the slow growing American male gut and butt. The models in these photos are slender, but if they had a beer belly and/or big butt, their shirts wouldn’t have enough fabric to cover

He’s got some highly paid consultants who clearly think he should run and would be great for America entirely of their own accord and totally not because they’re charging him ridiculous amounts of money.

Not to be overly harsh, but if a game is causing you physical pain every time you play it, maybe it’s time to find something else.

Add an easy mode and he won’t have to settle for watching someone else have fun, friendo. And the good news is that you don’t lose anything in the process either.

It’s an exclusive club for those with nothing better to do. The git gud crowd is an excess of machismo and immaturity.

That *is* harsh though because you’re all but asking players with disabilities to go elsewhere. In this example, an easy mode or even a series of toggles that allow players to customize game experiences is about allowing them to participate in that experience. It’s inclusive, and not in the dime-store way that word is

So yes, your enjoyment of *this* game is contingent on other people not being able to enjoy the game. Even if you never play the easier difficulty offered, the knowledge that someone else out there, somewhere, has played it and possibly even enjoyed it makes your experience worse...somehow.

So your suggestion to people with disabilities or chronic illnesses is that they just shouldn’t play games? Because right now you’re coming across as someone with working legs complaining that ramps exist. The ramps aren’t for you, they’re for people who can’t walk.

I still get Ben Shapiro videos recommended to me despite never watching a Ben Shapiro video, never engaging with any of the idiots that would watch a Ben Shapiro video, and telling YT multiple times I don’t want to see them. Something in the algorithm is broken.