kill yourself

Another self-promoting ad campaign for the benefit of only Herself. The only thing she’s running for is to use the political system to goose her name recognition among a new generation, and thereby increase her speaking fees. Just like her last “run for office” when she ran for Rep. Henry Waxman’s seat (he was

Shut the fuck up, Tomato.


I fail to see how large, easy to see pieces are less safe than tiny, nigh-microscopic glass slivers that will embed themselves in your foot almost past the reach of tweezers if you don’t sweep and vacuum every square inch of your kitchen floor within 20 feet of the drop zone.

When I read stories like this, I am always reminded that the TV show Breaking Bad was really about a man who sold meth because could not afford healthcare.

“The current generation of political leaders is openly courting violent white supremacists, ignoring the will of the people and subverting the democratic process, openly allowing massacres in our schools, secretly taking bribes from foreign dictators, and turning the world into an uninhabitable hellscape. In other

then rest his or her chest and body down on the padded longitudinal bench-like assembly

You know what else someone should be able to do in a free society?

The problem with this contention is that none of those progressive rising stars are running for president. 

prior to Lou A showing up

The whole “follow your passion” bullshit trope is how I ended up as a miserable veterinarian who didn’t even like the species she worked with and which used to be her biggest passion in life.

So... your argument is that because you’ve had terrible bosses, other people should too?

well she is a congressperson for real now that she has been put on a target list by a deranged Coast Guard member

When this man’s private emails expose his opinions and thoughts and colour his decisions about how he spends hundreds of millions on electioneering and twisting freedom of the press to suit his purposes, it is not wrong to expose them. If your poor old granddad has had more lucid days, we can let that slide, but not

Sure, and everyone else is now equipped to make an informed decision about giving the guy any money, now that his opinions are known. 

It’s North Korea brainwashing bullshit. And if you ask a conservative bootlicker, they say it’s totally different.

This is still the greatest Hispano Suiza ever made.

While the ingredients list sounds delicious, the lead photo looks like some sort of obscure succulent plant in a planter full of gravel. 

Trump supporters don’t like it when they’re getting screwed, that shouldn’t be revelation.