This is stupid ass bait and you should get your star taken away

This bill makes no sense. Ever hear of a lathe and a mill? How about CNC? Those seem highly unregulated. Want to check my ID when I buy a screwdriver? I could use it on a machine that might someday make something destructive. You can never be too sure! Think of the children.

What’s the issue?

I mean, we already know the big stuff. Articles like this are more of a “here’s another stupid thing about this failure of a human being” sort of thing.  Everyone here already knows the big points.

How is it inconsistent to allow mods promoting inclusion (Pride flags) but not those promoting violent authoritarianism (Only Blue Lives Matter flags)? It’s not “inconsistent” to have an ethics-based editorial policy.

As anyone who tried using it instead of sudafed can tell you. It’s a special level of uselessness when you don’t even get a placebo effect.

Once Sudafed became something you had to ask for at the counter, this was the drug that was put everywhere as a decongestant that you didn’t have to ask for. It never worked for me, I suppose because it’s worthless as a drug for everyone. If only pseudoephedrine wasn’t used in cooking meth, right?

I get the logic behind wanting to find a replacement for pseudoephedrine, but how phenylephrine was ever allowed to be called a decongestant is beyond me.

If only she had bothered campaigning in swing states, or not boosted trump’s campaign cause she thought he’d be easy to beat, or not colluded with the dnc to sabotage bernie’s campaign, or given people something go vote for, or not been so conseevative, and so on and so forth.

America suffers from chronic pain because American lawmakers fight tooth and nail against any and all social programs and safety nets. Nobody gets health insurance, vacation, or sick leave unless they are a highly skilled worker with active employment. Nearly every unskilled laborer is worked to within an inch of

Holy Shit @ 27%!
I presume there to be a negative correlation between the perpetually in service cracked screen iPhones I see around and about and the ability to secure the lowest APR.

Seriously wow. This is the closest to Apple printing money as it gets.

just ignore it and it’ll pass over time”

It’s not really “looking for reasons” when Rowling has very publicly made those statements…but this is all spoken like someone who probably has never had to deal with comments like these directed and them. Must be nice. 

People aren’t “looking for reasons” to be angry. People are rightfully angry over transphobia, and this game is based on the franchise created by one of the world’s most visible transphobes. And fuuuuuuuuuck you and your stance of “ignore it and it’ll go away”. That’s not how social change works. The trans community

Frankly, I think it’s a public service to help prevent people from seeing Charlie Kirk’s stupid face

Late Thursday night, Substack journalist Bari Weiss tweeted…

Ahh yes, “thought provoking,” that thought being “why are we letting people who are making ‘I do hate speech’ their entire schtick host this show?”

This is a good article except this which I think is so wrong it needs correcting:

It’s the atrocious quippy Marvelesque writing that has permeated pop culture, showcased in this trailer,

They represent nothing (quite literally, in fact; they represent nothing tangible), and contribute nothing to the future.