When she ran against Todd “legitimate rape” Akin, she got a lot of money and support from out of state women and women’s groups who were pro-choice and anti-rape/sexual harassment. Then she voted to confirm Kavanaugh and wasn’t as pro-choice as we were hoping, so this time around she did not get that support because sh

Fuck I did not realize this thing has more polygons on it than a stealth bomber. I think I built smoother surfaces creating an aircraft nose before knowing how Solid Works functions. Calm down Lamborghini. 

I am so pleased you posted this. People don’t seem to realize, before embarking on some misbegotten rant outlining various economic and political causes under the guise of “nuance”, that every single declaration of succession points to the enslavement of black people as a moral obligation, fundamental right, and/or

Tell me again how it was really about state’s rights?

Reminds me of this print ad for the film Legend, which got many a 4+ star review, but cleverly hid a 2-star review from The Guardian in it.

The people at the core of the party don’t WANT anyone more progressive. They want Republican voters, so they can be as shitty and corrupt and bribeable as the Republicans. It’s not about successful governance for the third way people. It’s about creating a false choice between two corrupt entities so they can get

Who gives a shit what Iowa thinks - particularly for Democrats to care what the state that has sent neo Nazi Steve King to Congress for nearly two decades?

Give it up, Clintonistas. Bernie voters were uniquely motivated by his campaign in a way that he Democratic base was not. A significant portion of these people were only engaging in the political process because of Bernie. In other words, there’s a nontrivial amount of “protest” votes that never would have benefited

““phone phreak”—a member of the community of proto-hackers who took control of phone systems, often through audio frequencies.”

Noooooo! I live in Atlanta and I went to see Ossoff speak at a town hall when he was trying to get support from all GA Democratic party people to run against Handel when there were still a number of possible Democratic candidates. It was an Our Revolution sponsored meeting specifically about health care (it was when

Like the Glomar Explorer! Howard Hughes baby - the cover story was mining nodules from the ocean floor...the covert mission: recover a lost Russian sub! 

Americans literally depend on their jobs for healthcare. And now they’re attacking individual pieces of healthcare. I honestly see this only as a beginning. It’s politicians and corporations working together and using our culture’s hatred of women to piece things off.



lol you fucking goofus

Building a wall doesn’t stop illegal immigration. Period. In fact, it makes the problem worse. Whereas before, seasonal agricultural workers would cross the border for planting season and leave after the harvest, now they simply stay and send the money home because they can’t risk not being able to reenter.

Yes - and the House Oversight Committee report clearly illustrates how the Equifax breach was entirely due to Equifax’s poor security practices, and was entirely preventable.

Except data breaches are almost always caused by unpatched, out of date software, the Equifax breach included.  It’s very rare that a breach is caused by a zero day, heretofore unknown vulnerability.

Or don’t use TurboTax/H&R Block/any of the big tax prepares considering filing your taxes could have been simplified decades ago but instead Big Tax Prepares (which is real) keeps lobbying the government to ensure taxes stay complicated and horrible to file.

Or don’t use TurboTax/H&R Block/any of the big tax prepares considering filing your taxes could have been simplified