First, let’s fix the trailers. Sat through over half an hour’s worth for Last Jedi. For a seat I paid for. Tell me what time the movie starts, tell me what time the trailers start and I’ll tell you what time I’m showing up. If getting there for the ads is the price I pay for a good seat...OK, fine. If it’s not going

Clinton is unpopular. Her policies are unpopular. Her neoliberal ideology is unpopular. She would’ve been, at best and most gracious, more of the same pitiful Democrat control as we continue to slowly slide into oblivion, because Democrats are not real opponents to Republicans.

If I don’t have money to pay for an ad-free taxi ride what makes them think I have money to buy shit at their store?

Back in the late 40s and early 50s people said that TV would allow people from different places to come together and learn from each other, thus making war impossible. And before World War II Henry Ford predicted that there would never be another major war because radio was allowing people from different places to

No charger is going to help the battery.

because bitcoin is not a currency and therefore not money. you can buy and sell it with real money, that’s neat. the real money is coming from somewhere else. its not magically creating money for you.

so you’re saying its an investment opportunity to scam rubes out of real usd? and its certainly in no way at all a currency?

Yes. Bipartisanship and negotiating with a party that is absolutely dead-set to the point of near self-destruction to kill social welfare programs is reasonable.

Here’s a thought: don’t eat in your car you monsters.

Here’s a thought: don’t eat in your car you monsters.

To me, the biggest bullshit part of this is the idea that we need to let a guy be a bigot so he can be successful. Well, what about all the people who would be successful but doubted themselves because of bigots, especially the successful bigots? Why can’t those people succeed and they’re probably not assholes.

Where do you live?

This is a situation that happens all of the time in the City of Detroit:

Mansplaining is not the act of being a man. It’s acting in a condescending fashion like a subject matter expert, often to people who know more about the subject than you who may in fact be experts. Because of the interplay of gender and power dynamics in this country, it’s pretty common for women especially experts in

Any women you know? Badder bitches than Taylor Swift.

Hindsight is 20/20, sweetheart. If you put $5,000 in Bitcoin today, what will it be worth in 11 months? Whatever your answer is, it’s wrong. There is no way of knowing.

Bitcoin isn’t real?

hypersensitive snowflakes

None of those groups do this (from your linked article):

Counterpoint: Turning Point USA is a fascist organization that promotes the ideals and election of other fascists.