why should I have to fill out a form in the first place? my employer sends my W-2 to the IRS and my brokerage account sends all of their stuff to the IRS, so why do I have to spend an hour copying numbers from one form to another when the government already has all of this information?

you want some 1800s shit? we still have debtors prisons straight out of Dickens novels, even though these were declared unconstitutional several times since the 1970s.

one of my customers got ransomwared last month. it came in as a “system down” ticket, we looked at it and told their IT that their shit is fucked and they need to revert to backup.

the FF14 AF stuff is always really good

NY solved the whack-a-mole problem by just banning the entire category of “synthetic substances, derivatives, and their isomers with similar chemical structure and pharmacological activity”

EVE has had large-scale loot grinding/mining bot operations for ages, split between Chinese farmers who only did the least risky farming methods with vast numbers of disposable bot accounts, and Russian farmers actually played the game and then botted to extract maximum value from the territory they controlled.

the concept of return-free filing has been around for decades but never went anywhere because the tax software companies have been bribing Congress to preserve their income stream.

I assume the “among full-line brands” thing is a way to justify leaving Subaru off the comparison chart.

it’s “unsportsmanlike”, same as every unconventional tactic previously used by an underdog.

a card system that doesn’t track when and where each card is used wouldn’t be a very good card system. the logging is the whole point of it!

if you buy the giant jar, remember to open it every once in a while to release the pressure.

Wapo opinion page is also going to shit, they now have Megan McArdle, best known for “why don’t we train 5 year olds to suicide rush gunmen” and “It’s possible that by allowing large residential buildings to operate without sprinkler systems, the British government has prevented untold thousands of people from being

... but what were they planning on doing after finding people’s real names? either everyone involved is too stupid to realize that none of this would be usable in court, or they were planning from the start to pull some vigilante bullshit that would probably be even more illegal than their password theft.

my favorite thing about the Tomb Raider reboot is how everyone develops the habit of mashing movement keys during any cutscene where Lara is moving, just in case it’s another unmarked QTE where failure means a gruesome death

this was the one where the big telcos gave the NSA full, unsupervised access to everything going through their fiber-optic lines.

one of my housemates was on foodstamps for a while and he’d buy food for the rest of us on his card in exchange for various non-food essentials like laundry soap, toothpaste, medicine, etc.

I never had any problems with phone orders, but I had enough problems with Grubhub/Campusfood that I went back to calling it in. a couple times the order just never went through because the website was fucked up or the restaurant’s fax machine was down, and then there was the time they were 3 hours late with a lunch

I played EVE for 10 years and these mega-battles aren’t fun at all as a regular joe. The server says it’s running at 10% speed (maximum time dilation) but it’s actually way worse than that. If it’s really bad, it’ll take like 5 minutes to respond to any input at all, and then another 5 minutes to complete an action

someone already wrote an actual EVE history book! buy it, it’s really good:

yes, the toner is expensive, but it doesn’t go bad on its own like inkjet cartridges, and also you get thousands of pages per toner refill.

yes, the toner is expensive, but it doesn’t go bad on its own like inkjet cartridges, and also you get thousands of