ProAir/Ventolin isn’t even that cheap! it’s like $5 in the rest of the world but here I am paying $60 AFTER INSURANCE.

I don’t know if this makes a difference to you, but the TDAP shot itself is no worse than the flu shot. the part everyone complains about is the 2-4 days after where your entire upper arm hurts like a motherfucker.

this also reminded me of Adult Swim, specifically the stoner nonsense shows they had in the late block circa 2005 (12 oz mouse, etc)

refurb Seagate? OH HELL NO, send that back and buy one that isn’t crap.

I usually take 17 to and from the Finger Lakes, but this year I took I-80 through PA and only saw two cops the whole way unlike 17 which has one hiding in the median like every 20 miles.

there’s a payphone on the side of the phone company building near my apartment. I always assumed it was long dead, but I actually saw someone using it last week!

so what? rechargeable batteries aren’t all the same, and your phone doesn’t have NiCd in it.

how is this an improvement in any way? it takes longer than a proper bank transfer, the transaction fee is vastly larger, and all you’ve done is offload the exchange rate annoyance to the other person.

currently the value of bitcoin is largely dependent on the management of the largest exchange manipulating prices via fraudulent trades and this “tether” nonsense.

NYT just found out why he’s “qualified” - he’s married to the chief of staff to the White House counsel. this was not mentioned at any point during the nomination process.

you’ve always been able to esc out of the credits. the post-credits bit is considered a different cutscene so it still plays after you skip the 30+ minutes of scrolling names.

these things are large, and also bad at cooking anything that isn’t a single serving of fries.

these things are large, and also bad at cooking anything that isn’t a single serving of fries.

have you tried those “water enhancer” concentrates? it has zero calories and is way cheaper than premade flavored water ($2-3 for a bottle that’s supposed to be 24x8oz servings but even at half strength it covers up the excessive chlorine in my tap water)

violent wannabe anarchist dipshits are leftists now?

you know, they still have records on you even if you’ve never had a credit card, loan, etc.

there’s been 3 instances of fabricated body cam videos in Baltimore alone in the past month, the last of which was “self-reported as a re-enactment of the seizure of evidence” (lol)

have you ever considered not believing every dumb thing you read on some random website? both of these are absolute bullshit made up by racists.

I went to one of the super huge bloc fights a couple years ago as part of the stealth bomber wing. we made one bombing run as things were kicking off, then sat around doing nothing for several hours because there weren’t any good targets and/or it was too laggy. eventually I fell asleep at my desk and woke up 3 hours

yes, it involves a lot of stretching, twisting, and awkward angles. even if you’re just trimming with scissors it’s easy to hurt yourself if you try to do too much without readjusting.