my favorite thing about this game is that everyone nearby can hear the in-game voice chat. nothing beats tossing a gas grenade at where you think some enemies are hiding and hearing a lot of panicked shouting.

and don’t forget his constant efforts to destroy the public school system and break the teachers’ union:

I pissed hot after eating half a loaf of lemon poppy bread and had to go back for another test a few days later.

the whole lily mechanic and the level 70 skill can be mostly ignored, but WHM is now even more of an aoe monster with the “12 seconds of free holy spam every 2 minutes” skill and assize cooldown reduction (which also fixed their MP issues)

not visible in those screenshots: the 99% of players who are either standing directly on top of the NPC or doing literally anything else in the game, and the constant crying from the idiots in the line about how they’ve been standing there for 8 hours straight.

it’s not ezpass, it’s this new thing that just went in last year. there’s no tollbooths at all and you don’t even have to slow down. if you have ezpass it reads that, if not there’s a license plate reader that sends you a bill in the mail a month later.

the software has a battery meter and will warn you long before the mouse actually dies.

the software has a battery meter and will warn you long before the mouse actually dies.

cords are annoying and rechargeable batteries cost nothing to maintain past the initial purchase which shouldn’t be an issue for anyone buying a $40 gaming mouse.

cords are annoying and rechargeable batteries cost nothing to maintain past the initial purchase which shouldn’t be

a battery charger and 4 AA costs like $15

a battery charger and 4 AA costs like $15

those things (or q-tips) work great if you’re Asian and have dry earwax. just stick in it, spin it around a few times to loosen the wax, and then marvel at all the nasty-looking flakes that come out.

when I was looking at cheap Subarus on craigslist, I had a good laugh at the one that said “needs new head gasket, this is a $40 part”

it’s like $1500 for everything except the Windows license.

Utah still has it (most recently used in 2010)

Arstechnica has a more detailed writeup where they did that, and it does exactly what you’d expect. load a few giant games? now your Windows is no longer cached so your next reboot will be slow.

also, food banks. when I was poor my housemates would pick up a huge bag of about-to-expire baked goods once a week and some of the stuff would go moldy two days later.

must have meant 1060, those are $200 before rebate for the 3gb version (but you should really spend the extra $30 for the 6gb one)

Chinese-branded electronics, much like Chinese-branded cars, have a reputation for being shitty ripoffs of American, Korean, Japanese, or European products.

they also added a way to make Windows Update fuck off for an entire week! no more random focus-stealing popups or having your connection crap out while gaming because Windows decided it was a good time to automatically download some giant file.

that picture doesn’t fully convey how fucking ridiculous those lights are. I have one of the lesser Netgears (with only 12) and it lit up my entire apartment at night until I found the option in the shitty web interface to turn them all off.

if you have a 10+ year old car in road salt country, shit will break or fall off all the time and there isn’t anything you can do about it. these aren’t phantom repairs either, it’s stuff like the exhaust, brake line, power steering line, etc where it’s immediately obvious that it’s broken and will make you fail