try changing your DNS server or connecting through a free VPN. I’ve never seen an explanation of why this is required or why it doesn’t affect normal gameplay, but the patcher errors are fairly common and one of those two things usually fixes it.

it used to be a lot worse, but they increased low level exp gain a year or so ago. now you can get to level 40-something doing nothing but main quest before you have to seek out non-main-quest sources of exp.

some areas are still off limits because of uncleared landmines. the path in that picture isn’t roped off and there aren’t any warning signs so I assume it’s one of the safe zones.

the only reason to move PLEX is for money laundering purposes - either RMTing or an off-the-books transfer to an alt so you can hire mercs or whatever without having it be traceable back to your main. if you’re giving away PLEX, you just contract them in Jita and people can either go pick it up or re-contract it to

War Thunder has NA/EU servers. you can select Russian servers if you really want to, but the lag sucks and there’s no reason to play there unless you have a pre-decal-nerf vehicle with a giant Ukranian flag on it.

I used to pirate everything and the one time I got a virus, it was from a bad banner ad on a legit website (my local newspaper)

that quote is from years ago. they’ve always been this bad, it’s just that now they have the ability to fully enact their monstrous agenda.

“Anyone under 18 can be eligible? Can’t they get a job during the summer by the time they are 16? Hunger can be a positive motivator. What is wrong with the idea of getting a job so you can get better meals? Tip: If you work for McDonald’s, they will feed you for free during your break” - State Rep. Cynthia Davis

I had a slow leak in a brake line thanks to road salt. the pedal felt kinda squishy for a while, then one day while exiting the highway the line blew out completely and the pedal went straight to the floor. pressing it as hard as possible still caused some slight braking, then when I got it down to like 10mph I just

aged cheese like cheddar, swiss, etc is naturally lactose-free because the bacteria ate all the lactose during the aging process, and Cabot only sells aged cheese.

who the fuck is Nomiki Konst? what the fuck is TYT? I linked a Glenn Greenwald article where he quotes a New Republic article.

my friend works for a Navy exchange (the on-base retail store chain) and wants to move to night shift, but that’s not allowed because of the hiring freeze even though the Navy exchange is entirely self-sufficient and doesn’t receive any government funding.

I have reasonably good dental insurance and even that only covers composite fillings for teeth visible in a smile, so molars still get amalgam unless you want to pay out of pocket to get a less durable filling.

my dad’s type 1 didn’t show up until his 50s, and he only found out when he started having vision problems (which went away after starting insulin)

what ISP do you have that only charges $3/month for the modem? Time Warner and Comcast are both $10 now, meaning it’s cheaper to get your own unless you replace your modem twice a year.

you don’t know how great thumb buttons on a mouse are until you’ve tried it. even if there’s only two, that’s forward/back for web browsing and two more things you can do in games without having to move your left hand off WASD.

our government protected us from a plot that was entirely manufactured by our government.

the high-voltage systems in EVs are considerably more dangerous than your standard home wiring.

most schools now do a combination of some number of meals plus some amount of declining balance, but they still don’t refund or roll over your remaining balance at the end of the semester.