if they want this to really take off, they need to get rid of the “Prime exclusive” nonsense

duty finder has always been the entire data center, the only thing they changed is party finder.

wtf are you on about? you weren’t “forced” to play on a JP server, you chose that over waiting for an open window or paying for a transfer like everyone else did.

I’m currently on my third one of these. the last one developed the usual Logitech doubleclick issue before the batteries died.

I’m currently on my third one of these. the last one developed the usual Logitech doubleclick issue before the

I think that post was referring to the original second-to-last paragraph that lists how much the various senators are being paid by pharma companies.

that isn’t from the kotaku editorial staff, you dumbass

“tiny”? that thing is bigger than a full-size thermal receipt printer. Epson has had mobile wireless thermal printers smaller than that phone for years now.

the parties aren’t working together. there’s a small group of ostensibly Democratic assholes playing both sides to empower themselves. none of this benefits the public in any way.

the downloading and installing is absolutely an issue if you have a slower connection or a mechanical hard drive. it’ll max out your connection so your internet will be unusable for however long it takes to download the patch, or your entire computer will be unusable for 5-30+ minutes because unpacking downloaded

one of the other announcements yesterday was that Diadem is being removed in the January patch and re-added in March after they make it not suck.

I’ve heard great things about the TTF2 campaign, but I played multiplayer during the free weekend and hated it because it’s way too fucking fast. I’ll probably pick it up for the singleplayer when it inevitably goes on sale for $10 in six months or so.

there’s over 100 quests between the end of 2.0 and the start of Heavensward, and a whole bunch of the early ones are boring obvious filler that could be completely removed from the game without affecting anything.

most of them aren’t student-run anymore. my school’s band was, we had an faculty music advisor who showed up once a week plus games when I was there, but apparently now they have grad students do that.

there’s also some guy in athletics who supposedly has oversight over the whole thing but all he really does is glance

also the whole “education reform” thing, aka breaking the teachers’ union and privatizing the school system.

we now have minimum standards for what can legally be called insurance, which got rid of the garbage plans that did absolutely nothing.

naming roads after people actually works. I remember seeing the bigger-than-usual street signs for Gene Krupa Drive on the way to my grandparents’ house in Yonkers and asking my parents why does this guy have a street named after him.

the only options are “scan now” and add/remove various folders from the scan list, so I just removed everything except the games folder on my SSD.

it DOES randomly scan your drives to find supported games, which causes excessive amounts of disk activity for a really long time and is painfully noticeable when it kicks off while you’re trying to play a game on a mechanical drive.

the IRL heavy tank had a maximum speed of 9.3mph on roads, 4mph off-road. in BF1, that thing is faster than a sprinting foot soldier which is completely unrealistic but much better for game balance.

that’s also fixed - “Squads are no longer auto locked if less than three players join a server as a party.”