the executive order signed by the governor of New Jersey in 2010 says it's legal.

and here we have a perfect example of why everyone thinks "audiophiles" are a bunch of pretentious fuckwits.

closed beta started last week.

my phone has a giant red light that turns on when I'm using it, and I still have people walk up and start talking without noticing that I'm on the damn phone.

Walsh generated controversy when in July 2012, at a campaign event, he accused Duckworth of politicizing her military service and injuries, saying "my God, that's all she talks about. Our true heroes, the men and women who served us, it's the last thing in the world they talk about"

Aetna Dental Access from dentalplans.com

I saved a buttload of money on uninsured dentistry by getting a $100/year dental plan from a website. it made everything like half price and paid for itself several times over.

the US rebroadcast had dismal ratings because it got the worst timeslot (Friday night) and most of season 3 was delayed by over a week from the Canadian broadcast which meant everyone just downloaded it instead.

my parents had one of those mushroom logs, except it was a lot bigger and they put it in the backyard under a tree instead of in a $200 glass dome.

soloing is terrible unless you really like mining, trading, or shooting mindless npcs. if you want to fight people, why not join Red vs Blue? they always have some pvp going on, and it'll give you the experience you need to get into one of the big alliances.

title says 10, I only see 9 because there is no #5

even the unbanked poor have JPMorgan accounts - they run the EBT card system (foodstamps, WIC, welfare) for half the country

shitty misogynists are tired of being called out on their disgusting opinions?

I used to work for one of these sites and the shutdown was pretty boring - our host forwarded us the DMCA notice they received and said they'd be cutting us off in 3 days or whatever. we didn't feel like rebranding the site and finding another host, so we just cancelled our accounts, notified the users of the

I like having a phone that's nearly indestructible and lasts an entire week on a single charge. typing on it is miserable but I almost never text.

I once made an oil lamp out of half a beer can, a mop string, and cooking oil during a really long power outage. it smelled awful and didn't make very much light, but it stayed lit for hours and didn't set my apartment on fire.

the US currently has the world's largest scale model of space - there's a 1.2km solar system in Ithaca NY, and Alpha Centauri is in Hawaii.

probably lots of them? my college had 2 in 6 years and I think there was another one like 2 years later.

I'm surprised it took the spammers and trolls this long to figure out that this incarnation of kinja has effectively no protection against their shit.

they have a style with the strap in the back, but it costs $30 more and is hard to find in stores.