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Red Orchestra 2 - people don't just fall over and die when you shoot them, they cry for their mothers, or grab at their throat while they choke on their own blood, or just scream for like 20 seconds (or until the guy next to them pulls his pistol and teamkills them to make it stop)

maybe people would stop feeling the need to get shitfaced before flying if the airlines and TSA stopped trying to make air travel as unpleasant as possible.

for $10 you could buy a small whiteboard and an assortment of brightly-colored markers, or a 12-pack of regular sticky notes.

maybe they're saving that for next season to avoid introducing too many new characters and locations at once.

the doctors note thing is even more of a public health hazard when you don't have a car. it's either the bus or a taxi, and both of those are pretty much guaranteed to pass your sickness on to a lot of other people.

ITT is a fucking joke. it doesn't matter how many years you spend there, no one is going to take you seriously.

buying an entire system's worth of parts may end up costing about the same as a prebuilt from a non-ripoff vendor, but if you already have a PC that isn't hopelessly obsolete, it's cheaper to buy individual parts when they go on sale and keep using your existing case, hard drives, optical drives, and whatever else is

you know what's worse than mounting a stock Intel cooler? unmounting a stock Intel cooler in a case that doesn't have the hole in the backplate to let you access the underside of the socket.

one thing I learned from Planetside is that if you get in a random person's aircraft, there's a decent chance that you'll end up being forcibly ejected into the ocean.

I first learned about him in undergrad engineer classes, then learned more about him as a communications major after I got kicked out of engineering for failing calculus.

is there a way to prevent it from triggering when you don't want it to, besides using overly complex gestures that you'll probably never do accidentally?

MP is where most of the replay value is, but the AI's not bad and some of the campaigns present interesting challenges.

Day 9 of the Steam Sale is here and with it comes discounts on Transistor, Octodad and not much else worth writing home about. As with every other day so far, several of the prices are currently wrong on the homepage. The Alan Wake Franchise is actually $6, which is a good deal for those who missed past bundles.

Day 9 of the Steam Sale is here and with it comes discounts on Transistor, Octodad and not much else worth writing home about. As with every other day so far, several of the prices are currently wrong on the homepage. The Alan Wake Franchise is actually $6, which is a good deal for those who missed past bundles.

the antibiotic Rifampin also causes intensely orange urine.

please explain exactly how price controls and rationing made things worse for the general public.

the 70s oil crisis resulted in an actual shortage of gasoline, in which case price controls and rationing are a perfectly reasonable measure to prevent price gouging and hoarding (just like the current laws banning large price increases on essential goods during a declared state of emergency)

PPP did a poll on this and other conspiracy nonsense last year - people who consider themselves "very liberal" were actually the least likely to think that vaccines cause autism (12%). "moderate" and "very conservative" were highest at 22% and 23%.

it doesn't stop hackers, so all it really does is annoy the shit out of everyone else.