have you played the Wargame series? the latest one just came out like two months ago and you can get all three for $40 with the steam sale.

Now playing

here's a video of a guy who can only say "tono" (turn on the automatic subtitles, it's great)

Now playing

here's a video of a guy who can only say "tono" (turn on the automatic subtitles, it's great)

telescope names are pretty great. Very Large Telescope < Extremely Large Telescope < Overwhelmingly Large Telescope (cancelled due to overwhelmingly large price tag)

my license only has my initials on it because the state's computer systems apparently can't handle first names with 10+ letters.

I'm pretty sure all of his fans are obnoxious 12-year-olds. I've never seen an adult admit to liking him, and the one time I clicked one of his videos, I had to shut it off after 30 seconds because it was so annoying.

I was also referring to the sentence in the article, not your post. I've never seen anyone refer to the tunnels as "land mines" before, they're just "mines".

the word "land" should be removed there. the mines that made these craters weren't the "thing that blows up when you step on it" variety, they were massive tunnels packed with hundreds of tons of explosives, set off at the start of major offensives: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of…

more like center-right (Dems), far-right (Reps), and total fucking lunatics (Tea Party)

MS Fighter Ace? came out '97.

you can also spray it onto a lighter to make a rather large puff of flame. my school banned all flammable aerosol cans because too many people were making deodorant flamethrowers in the locker room.

I was getting it on Jalopnik for like an hour earlier today. the weird thing is that the sub-pages were still working when the main page wasn't.

if you're including things on bagels, where is pork roll? pork roll egg and cheese is better than sausage egg and cheese.

I spent 40 bucks to get my own mask so I wouldn't have to use the foggy, disgusting rental masks anymore. if you showed up in the summer after lunch, the foam padding would still be soaked with sweat from whoever used it in the morning. I also spent 15 bucks on army surplus shirt/pants which is way more effective than

PC building in the 90s was pretty fucking bad - every part had a set of tiny jumpers or dip switches that you had to fiddle with, and then once you got it started, you had to do a bunch of arcane bullshit like "SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 E620 T6" to make your games actually work. also you were guaranteed to cut

should have signed up to play arrow tag instead. how can you go to a place where that's an option and not play it?

the bike is irrelevant, you can replace every instance of "fucking a bike" with "masturbating" and it's all the same. he had his dick out in a place where he knew the cleaners came around regularly, didn't respond to knocks on the door, and admitted all this to the cops when they responded to the indecent exposure

it still isn't done, just got delayed again, and won't even have multiplayer when it does get released.

why are you being such a prick? I played the fucking game ~3 months ago, it sucked, and I quit at level 12 because everything was so incredibly tedious and un-fun.

they have walls of text now? that sounds like an improvement from when I played in beta where most of the quests were of the old-school "collect 10 bear asses" variety that everyone hates, with shitty drop rates and not enough spawns.