I think this means 40% of the 18% of "millennials" who identify as Republicans have a pinterest account, compared to 32% of the 31% who identify as Democrats. (numbers from here)

good thing there's no real in-game economy due to the lack of a public auction house and the spectacular shittiness of the "guild store" concept.

if they replaced "bullies" with "police" they could distribute this as a guide on how to avoid being arrested/tased/beaten for no valid reason.

I don't really mind if people have loud sex at like 11pm because I'm probably still awake and can just go in the other room and put some music on, but if they're like my previous upstairs neighbors who regularly woke me up at 3am on weekdays with hours-long fuck sessions, they need to shut the hell up and let me sleep.

everyone always says "stick with it, it gets easier" but there's only so much pain and frustration I'm willing to put up with, and contacts are way the fuck over the line.

I have something like a -8 prescription with astigmatism, and I was able to get soft contacts.

players will complain no matter what - an AI that intelligently flanks is teleport hacking, an AI that aggressively attacks the player even when it's clearly an ambush is dumb and predictable, an AI that recognizes an ambush and waits outside is passive and broken, etc

fyi there is a Tutorials button in the main menu

all four volumes of Goonfleet: The Comic Book will be free until June when the hardcover version comes out.

20 cents a gig is a fucking ripoff when the cost on their end is like 0.00005 cents or something.

$18 for this? for that much you could buy a new pot with handles that don't get hot.

I have the same body type and buying pants always sucks. I went to Target the other day and there was ONE pair in the entire men's section that fit properly on my waist and wasn't too tight, too long, or "vintage" style which apparently means "we added all this brown dye so your pants look super dirty all the time"

stir-fry broccoli is great

lockpicking is like driving a manual transmission car, or shooting a gun - learning the theory behind it and proper technique from the internet is helpful, but you won't be any good at it unless you spend many hours practicing the real thing.

I wonder why there's no samples from Polynesia. that would have been interesting to see with all the tropical islands like Samoa and Tonga where the natives are known for being really big and strong.

most American medical professionals probably wouldn't care either. palliative care is all about reducing the patient's misery, and letting them eat special bread that makes them happy and also brings their appetite back is much better than pumping them full of morphine while they slowly starve to death.

215th on the 1 train is above-ground so it's basically a giant bus shelter instead of a disgusting hole full of rats and garbage.

new players would be better off in Brave Newbies or Red vs Blue anyway, they'll take anyone and spend all their time doing stuff that's actually fun instead of shooting structures unopposed for hours on end.

one of the PL dudes said they lost like 25% of their active titan fleet. they still have a lot left, but over the past few months they've been relying entirely on their capital/supercap blob to win fights because they're terrible with subcapitals and thought CFC was unwilling to commit to a full capital engagement.