the decision to spend real money to get in-game money is a simple cost/benefit calculation. if you make $12/hour working in a call center or some other low-end desk job and aren't living paycheck to paycheck, converting an hour and a half of RL work to isk via PLEX is far more time-efficient than spending dozens of

the last battle resulted in the loss of a Russian dreadnought fleet (CFC dreads were unable to jump in because of extreme lag) but this fight was an order of magnitude larger than that one.

Dark Horse is doing a 4-part comic book about the BoB/goons war, the first one is coming out next month.

if shaving my face was as itchy as shaving my balls, I'd totally stop shaving my face.

"they knew what they signed up for" doesn't mean the employer can get away with paying less than minimum wage with no overtime, making them work over 8 hours with no meal breaks, paying them less than twice a month, etc.

who cares if the password's not secure when you gave them fake personal info and an email address that's only used for registering on shitty websites?

dreadnoughts are strategic-level assets of no real use to an individual player, and as such are typically either replaced using alliance funds when lost on official alliance operations, or owned by the alliance and loaned out to capable pilots when needed. CFC lost 49 dreads in that fight, all of which were reimbursed

also works great on stuck car locks. I bought a car where the trunk wouldn't lock because the previous owners left it unlocked in their garage for the past 15 years, but a good squirt of WD-40 fixed it.

I know a bunch of guys who played it at EVE fanfest last year when it was just a tech demo on the dev kit hardware, and they were all like "this is the coolest thing ever"

a 75-year-old would be on Medicare (not Medicaid, that's the program for poor people who either live in a state that accepted the federal Medicaid expansion funding or meet various state-defined requirements like "having no assets whatsoever and under $5k/year income" or "being a pregnant woman or child")

I still don't get why people hate on Battlelog. it doesn't break, and I like being able to see which of my favorite server are populated or how many of my friends are online without having to sit through a bunch of unskippable splash screens and loading times.

meanwhile, EVERY INDUSTRIALIZED NATION IN THE ENTIRE REST OF THE WORLD has a government-run single-payer healthcare system, and guess what? they pay less for better service.

mouse is by far the easiest way to control the plane in arcade mode. you just move the cursor, and the plane does the appropriate combination of control surface inputs to follow it.

I'm from NJ where cot/caught are also different, but there were enough other questions for it to guess correctly. "hoagie" only exists in a narrow band going from central NJ halfway through PA, and saying that "marry/merry/Mary" are completely different words produced a map where all of NJ was bright red and the

it's also possible that whatever contractor runs the EBT system screwed up the monthly balance reset. my housemate was on foodstamps/disability for the better part of a year and they managed to fuck it up twice during that time, forcing him to abandon a cart with a month's worth of food at the register for the

at least you can grow facial hair. I can't, and I still get carded for everything at 32.

not mentioned in patchnotes: UCAV reload time increased to 90 seconds

I find him to be intolerably obnoxious and not funny at all.

only one of the maps has choppers, the other 3 are all stealth jets.

this also worked in old original Day of Defeat - the German bolt-action rifle was a 1-hit kill on any body part at any range, and was also perfectly accurate when fired from the hip. marking the aim point with a dot on a piece of tape basically turned it into the Quake railgun.