this reminded me of a post I recently saw on another forum:

this isn't being run by the players, it's CCP. they made a special GM character for people to send PLEX to, and will ban anyone who tries to impersonate them.

my dad worked for BIG PHARMA as a PhD research chemist for like 25 years, then the company decided to get rid of all the old well-paid senior researchers and hire a bunch of recent graduates at much lower salary.

oh "just get a second job"

the big ammo box refills explosives, including hand grenades.

if you're using the stock heatsink with preapplied thermal goo, don't add more.

a lot of the smaller buildings can be destroyed just like in BC2.

Locker is like a non-shitty version of metro. most of your team will run straight ahead and spend the whole round spamming a doorway, but there's always at least one alternate route that completely bypasses the chokepoint.

Tracfone sells smartphones now, I've seen them at Best Buy for like $80.

they could just reuse the male player models with a different face and voice, and no one would really be able to notice because everyone looks pretty much the same when they're wearing body armor and a zillion pouches and grenade belts.

CoD 2/3/MW (I don't remember which) also had attack dogs that you had to shoot or they'd knock you down for an instakill. I like dogs, and I don't like shooting dogs in games, but everyone who played whatever game that was hated the enemy dogs because they were such bullshit.

Bernie Sanders is a "career politician" and he's one of the very few senators who isn't a total shitbag.

have you been paying attention to the Republicans for the past 5 years? instant kneejerk opposition to every single thing Obama says is pretty much all they do these days.

pork roll is great but no one ever knows what it is unless they lived in Jersey. I had to bring one to college to prove to my neighbors that yes, there is really a food product called "pork roll"

it's a comment on the game being a series of spreadsheets with spaceships visible in the part of your screen that isn't covered with various data and chat windows.

Goonfleet: The Comic Book

I bought a 760 two weeks ago and it has a minimum recommended power supply of 500W. if this thing only has 450W, it'll probably need a new power supply if you ever upgrade any of the other bits.

they have that Vikings show now, which is actually pretty good.

I'd rather pay one hour's wages per month than spend several hours doing boring money-farming in game.

But I'm sure you would've preferred a lowball bid and have vehicles fall apart at 4.5 years?