So basically they want the A-10 replacement to be an A-10. Makes sense...
So basically they want the A-10 replacement to be an A-10. Makes sense...
Not usually, but it could be good. Maybe you need to add more gin? I’ve had some good and some bad “complicated” bloody Maries. Some recipes are fantastic and some are just a bunch of extra stuff in the glass.
I’ve never had a Bloody Caesar but I’ve had a homemade Michelada in this dinky border town in Texas that was made with Clamato. And it was heavenly.
What’s the fun in that?
I think the first thing he built was a clone vat. So it actually takes several clones and funerals to make each video.
Yeah me too, he’s like the maker Steve Irwin
I am amazed this guy has not seriously injured himself yet.
I think weight was the biggest enemy here.
(shrug) There’s a long standing tradition in Canadian politics to adore the new PM’s government for a honeymoon phase of a few months, then slide into “this isn’t that much better than what it replaced,” followed by the eventual slide into “FINE we’ll vote back in the other party”. And then the process repeats itself.
The internet was literally a revolution is how we live, work, and interact. It became the new normal in less than a generation, and if there was anyone show said “Wait, we must slow down and examine the consequences!” they probably got trampled in the rush to get the next new iPhone. I’m thinking we can handle a new…
Oh....I thought they meant this kind of carbine...
Hello material science... I was wondering what the breakthrough of the month was going to be. :-P
I know my o-chem
“an exotic form of carbon—called Carbyne—and found that it promised more strength and stiffness than any other known material.”
It isn’t a suicide box.
(coming from someone who knows exactly which episode from the franchise you’re talking about, this shouldn’t mean much)
Exactly. On the show it looks like disintegration/reintegration, but it always sounded more like getting into an elevator and getting off it again, except that the trip was instantaneous. You just travel down the beam.
I don't understand this. The person is disassembled and moved to the new spot and reassembled. It happened to Lt Barkley. He was conscious in the matter stream. He wasn't destroyed.
Aaaand how do we know they aren’t thinking and feeling?