I actually don’t blame him for this position.
I actually don’t blame him for this position.
True, but they could have at least had the original batch (I think they only have 130 atm). They have a huge stable of Pokemon that they didn't need to withhold any of the originals. As for the other part, I agree and I should have clarified. I have tried it on my fiance's phone, she let me catch a few here and there.…
I really have a hard time understanding the appeal of this game. It just seems to be completely lacking in actual stuff to do and content. I haven’t played it myself but have watched my fiance and checked out videos and information and it seems to just be an endless cycle of “catch one pokemon (only like 10 of them…
So basically they want the A-10 replacement to be an A-10. Makes sense...
Why fix it ? It’s the best chrome plugin.
I, too, hate when the journalists I follow are human. This is why I only read articles by robot journalists, they never screw up.
Are we sure that isn’t the invisible hand of the free market?
I’m delighted someone feels this way.
“Watch This Idiot Lose Control of His X-Wing as He Peels Out of Starfighters and Stim Tea”
It’s R0-4L0 named after his inventors Lee Towersey and Oliver Steeples - it was supposed to be R0-L0 but wasn’t allowed :)
Now this...this is the article I was looking for on this stressful Tuesday afternoon. Torch discussing Star Wars arcana - it’s like a warm bubble bath. Aaahhh...
I love this even more than the original post
It would be interesting to see what aircraft we would have now to replace it, if unmanned aircraft and satellites had not taken over its job.
It looks F-able. I’d definitely truck it.
Well, it’s definitely a UO, as you say.
Thinking sr-71 as a such advanced airplane and seeing the cars from the same period look soo weird.
Your first paragraph makes no sense.