
Hi Bob, I’m guessing you have nerve damage from the line of work you were in but a model doesn’t have to be perfect. I am, frankly, neither an enthusiastic or a skilled builder myself but I wanted a large scale C130 for my study. Pre-built models were too small or too expensive so I thought.. hey, I used to build

You are totally right that is just marketing hype. In addition to your points, I can’t imagine that anything could do maneuvers like that with no tail! X wings fly more believably. And they claim it has larger payload, laser system, and longer range too! Get real!

Hey I’m just trying to be encouraging. I know far too many people who might actually want to do something like that but won’t because...reasons? So I figured better safe than sorry.

I had something like 170 gundam models I sold to some guy in Ireland about a decade ago.

I'm either all-go or no-go on hobbies. Don't wanna start down that road again, kinda.

A reduction in piracy won’t = an increase in sales. it’ll just result in less games being played by pirates.

The one with the spikey hair. No, not that one, the other one!

Official That Guy™ Comment.

People say you would get crushed, but that’s a logical and physical fallacy. As you fall through the portal, you never ever touch yourself. So you would fall forever seeing the back of your own body no matter where you turn. Why? Because the two portals will never ever touch. They will only get very very close to each

So we finally got an answer to this conundrum:

Don’t worry, Chell be back.

That’s the one.

Actually today's kids are busy fooling around with their smart phones and couldn't out a model together to save their data plan.

Today kids will build said model in a computer program then 3d print it on a modeler they built the previous week. Soon they will then begin modeling the engine parts and launch it in the backyard...okay maybe I’m ahead of myself here. Cue sound of sonic boom with mother running out to the back yard as the windows are

Because the guys making the decisions in the Pentagon flew fighters.

You don’t need to. You are now an adult which means you can spread glue accurately and not make blobs of it part of the structure, or put gluey thumb-prints on the transparent parts. The nosewheel is unlikely to stick to your palm these days and your mum is not going to be picking a missile fin out of the gaps between

The look of the F-22 is a design requirement mandated by the fact that not enough people in USAF can think in Russian.

Now THAT would be a fun video to watch. Have the girl watching the vr version of one of her scenes. I wonder how she would feel.

Had that Stealth Fighter F-19 right next to my Mi-24 helicopter model. Kinda wanna have a kid to have an excuse to build models again.

What I want to see is the porn stars who are in these games(?) try this out, but on the opposite end of themselves.

It’s because EVERYthing is about racism these days. Even when it’s not, it’s easy to twist it so that it looks like it is if that is what you’re hoping to see.