The fine folks at the FAA will now send a kind letter to NASA about not pointing their intergalactic laser beams at airplane cockpits.
The fine folks at the FAA will now send a kind letter to NASA about not pointing their intergalactic laser beams at airplane cockpits.
Here’s how snowmaking works, you terrible, wealthy, polluting, self-centered, electricity wasting, global warming contributing jerks!
And then the Japanese disappeared.
Feel free to go out and do so, the old way is just fine and plenty fun but fuck having a chance of having kids, fuck diseases and most of all fuck dumping 3 rounds of booze into a chick before she tells you she’s taken, I dont spend that much on my life long friends birthdays but she’ll ride it out till I’d rather…
Right, but you know... sometimes you just want to read about and learn about something interesting and fun? For example, let’s pretend Gizmodo is a gadget blog that focuses on technology.... pick your phone of choice, say the new iPhone is coming out (not to pick fanboy sides... insert “android” in place of “iPhone”…
What I think is awesome of the scene with the kids on the dinosaurs, is that they probably laugh for real, because they think it’s so funny to sit on an adult’s back, while the adult is pretending to be a 400+ pound dinosaur.
I’m not sure it’s “underhanded,” considering Reelio isn’t specifically asking influencers to conceal that the video is sponsored. The content is pretty standard marketing stuff.
Depends on which highway. The I-5 here in California would be ideal for the Hyperloop, since it’s practically a straight shot for 250-300 miles.
shouldn’t the secretary of transportation be someone like an engineer?
existing rail? IF they follow Musks ideas, he thinks max trip about one hour 500-800 miles - otherwise, Musk thinks you should use Air-craft.
What is this, a card for ants?
To be fair (in which I have no idea how the concept of fairness is even relevant here), I used to walk around like a raptor all the time during summer vacation, to the point that it’s now how I walk if I’m not wearing shoes.
Are they casting for Jurassic Park 5 yet? If so, here’s a card.
“I thought you launched the satellite.”
Its not really underhanded though, is it? I mean you’ve got very large gaming news blogs quite clearly bending over backwards for some game companies, and they never disclose it.
But we do publicly acknowledge or armed drone program.
lol really? It’s not just shooting people. It’s running them over on a scooter and breaking their neck and claiming that person with a broken neck was attacking you on the scooter and making false charges that lead to the arrest of the individual, whose incapacitated wife dies while that individual is falsely behind…
Most misconduct really isn’t. It’s giving in to the whiners who in actuality were fucking up to begin with in most cases. Cops don’t shoot cooperative, law abiding people. Just remember that.
Yeah unlike a certain film I despise (*cough* ManofSteel *cough*), which had so much shake cam that I’m convinced that the cinematographer was having a stroke and nobody noticed, the camera maintains it’s focus on the center where all the action is and the camera barely shakes at all. It really pisses me off that…