Kickstarter for a time machine to bump off Adam Sandler in 1994?
Kickstarter for a time machine to bump off Adam Sandler in 1994?
“knocking a sign with Renault driver Nico Hulkenberg’s name and face from where it was hanging above the garage door.”
100% agree with your comments. It’s pathetic that media is trying to literally find any reason to criticize Trump, even decisions that are smart like this purchase. Anyone who sees this as negative should go and burn some of their cash behind their house!
Since you seem to know jack shit about who has been awarded the Medal of Honor, why don’t you go acquaint yourself with the people to whom it’s been awarded who are either Hispanic, foreign born, or both.
Pretty sure a guy on a moped could win LMP1 with the Toyota’s luck and reliability.
I’d like to see Ford make an effort in the LMP1 class. And they’d probably win too.
Now Hondas engines can’t even last through contract negotiations.
Well, at least, unlike some people, he understands conflict of interest.
I am absolutely thrilled to hear this news and my fingers are tightly crossed he can make it back. I know I’m going to get grief for this, but I would argue he’s the best of that crop of drivers to come up in the mid-late 2000's (including you-know-who and that-other-guy). One thing that always stood out with his…
Because banning substances has worked so well in the past and continues to work swimmingly today.
We are fine with sending teens out to war to handle weapons and well armed enemies. We allow teens to vote in elections, helping to decide the most powerful office on the planet. But God forbid they have a smoke, that’s a bridge too far.
Yes, he’s one of those actors who are always popping up in a variety of roles. He’ll always been fondly remembered as Peter McCallister to me though.
He certainly doesn’t deserve to be thrown in with trashy royal gossip.
Does the story of John Heard death not deserve its own post?
That may be true for people who plan to commit suicide (though I think it’s an inaccurate generalization). Most suicides are not planned, however, so your snark is just rude. Suicide hotlines save lives. If you disagree, you still don’t have to be a jerk about it.
He was tight with Chris Cornell and that they both hung themselves is fucking eerie.
I’ve been a Giants fan since I was 7 years old in 1986, and I’ll always love Panda. He helped us win 3 World Series in 5 years, none of which we expected to win, if I’m being honest, and he hit 3 goddamn homeruns in a single World Series game. If I ever see the big man back in the Mission at Limon, and I know I will,…
Fans take things too personally. This isnt your old boyfriend moving back in! Its a bad team desperate for a spark. If he can recover some ability and maybe get a fresh start on the team he was drafted, great! Maybe he can improve the team for a minimum salary. Can’t believe his “burning bridges” is such a big deal.…
Two words: weight clause, a concept with which the Red Sox were apparently unacquainted. And it’s not like the Giants are in a pennant race this year, either. Best case scenario: Pablo has been genuinely humbled, and possesses the will power to get it together and extend his once great career. I hope he does..