What, to me, shined through was that I felt that Jr. answered Harvick’s question without answering it.
Longtime reader, and thanks for the work.
Alanis, I love your work. Just tone the snark down a bit. Thanks.
Felipe Massa, Hungary, 2009. That Halo will do nothing to stop that spring.
I’d wager he’ll be in by Belgium.
Tell me how you really feel?
The Juice is loose!
“Nobody has accused me of pulling a weapon on them”
I’m 26, and I like the brand, but what keeps me off the bikes is the fact that a new one is as much as a used Corvette. And a Corvette is a lot more fun with a lady friend than a motorcycle.
I’m curious about KVY after Britain. He got demoted last year and I’m wondering how much longer Red Bull will put up with him.
That I know of, I’ve lost two. One was a car accident right after graduation. We all sat there at the funeral home, numb. To this day I still carry her funeral program in my car, whatever one I drive as my main vehicle. It went from my Dakota to my Pontiac GTO, and it’ll keep going until I myself pass.
I’m so sorry. I’m really close with my pup too. Stay strong. You’ve got this.
The hardest thing I had to endure in my professional career was being falsely accused of sexual harassment at work. I work in education, so as a man I am outnumbered, and to this day the thought of them is a sore spot for me personally.
In other words, “The only people making money off this family is us. Signed, Kris Jenner”
The only time I think this is ok is with a band where the other members sign off on it.
My life is worth $48,500.
Good luck. Your flame suit better be strong enough to last on the surface of the sun.