
First, I don’t think it’s going to happen as I stated above and no, I am not paranoid about it. It’s like you didn’t even read what I wrote.

The overwhelmingly vast majority don’t think the government is out to get them. 262 million unarmed people were murdered by their governments in the 20th century. The likelihood of it happening here is exceptionally low. But will it be in 50 years? 100 years? 200 years? I don’t want to be a part of the decision

They are in no way the same as one is driven (mainly) by religious choice while the other is a constitutional freedom. The latter being set to ensure common people have the ability to overthrow a tyrannical government, well in that time it was red coats but you know what I mean.

Hey, if you can’t open your brain long enough to see that a lot of people can make it just fine on the old minimum wage of $10, then that’s your problem and frankly I don’t give two sh!ts if you can afford your next month’s rent or not, because of your stupidity.

Then move somewhere more affordable. $15/hr is plenty to live on your own while learning a trade/getting a degree to make real money.

Actually, no. That was the offense she was granted clemency for. Given that she cannot be tried again, she had no Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate herself in front of the Grand Jury. She tried to invoke it anyway. THAT’s why she is in the Federal Penitentiary. The Fed’s don’t have jails, cities and counties do.

There is also the fact he was slouching, likely sticking his gut out, has terrible lighting, and likely had a meal before the “Before” picture. Seriously, there is so many ways to fake these before and after photos without any form of photoshop it hurts. The fact this guy is getting so much attention (4th artcle this

So. You’re not going to be one of the panel members, I take it?

icemetalpunk is a child. arguing with them is to argue with someone who refuses to become an adult. dont feed this loser. 

You missed the part where the value of your property plummets.

Foster care? Well of course they are out of control.

After all the excitement for a first all-female spacewalk...”


You’re either intentionally being obtuse or you’re just dense. I’m not sure how else to get you to understand that whenever products are being designed, safety is a consideration but not the only one, and sometimes some safety systems are integrated as part of the design and some remain optional based on the buyers

That’s just an unrealistic attitude. You might not want safety to be an option, but guess what? It is. Millions of people’s lives are at risk every day because someone, somewhere said “the cost of a lawsuit is far lower than the cost of fixing/making safer/etc.” or “if we made it as safe as it could be, it would be

Comment of the day. Can’t the author just write “I’m not racist” rather than writing inflammatory headlines that accuse respected institutions of being so? You know under represented minorities are given priority in admission offices right?

Or you can look at it as Airlines tried to save money by not selecting safety features they thought they would never need.

I read the Times article before Giz posted it.  The basic answer is yes.  Safety standards in these nations aren’t as robust, and the airlines themselves don’t have as much money to throw around so they get the base models.

Is it coincidence that the two crashes so far have been in developing countries? Was there additional training that didn’t happen due to more lax safety standards? Or was it more likely that in these countries they didn’t want to pay extra for these ‘safety’ controls?

Final Countdown is an excellent movie in many respects.

Well, there is no way it will start on time then.