
And yet she was cool with going to heathen restaurants to be served by heathens?

“she didn’t tip Sunday lunch waitstaff because she knew ‘that means they didn’t go to church.’”

While the F-35 in the photo may be going supersonic, shock diamonds aren’t a sign that the aircraft is supersonic - just that the exhaust flow is supersonic.

When I was in 4th grade, I was already nearly 5’10”. Which is my current height. I was basically a year from finishing puberty. They thought I had a pituitary tumor and might die. Turns out I just have a huge pituitary and some hormone disorders. Point is, shit was hard for youngrootof. Kids were fucking dickbags.

He’s gotta be looking at at least a four game suspension for this. Possibly more if a video surfaces.

That low accuracy low precision actually look more like high accuracy very low precision. It should rather put the bottom left cluster in the top right position.

Dad is projecting. He never told his wife about his love of man sex, he cheats on her regularly at cruising spots, he assumes future son in law will do the same and he wants better for his daughter than he himself is willing to give his wife. (This is sooooooo common. Some men don't understand feminism/evils of sexism

That the father would change the conversation be about the son-in-law is bisexual rather than that they engaged in an affair is telling about the father's priorities in this situation.

How do they make sure no one is carrying a gun and thinks this “prank” is real?

I guess you ARE old-fashioned. While you’re out there basking in the afterglow of your low-tech approach to warfare the guys with the batteries will be busy hunting you down and killing you.


I'm still mad at the media over the back.

No waterproofing, no microsd, no removable battery, no thank you.

Wow! So witty! What commentary!

You're not better off though because those charging packs are bulky compared to a spare battery, require a cable, and take hours to give a full charge.

Friendly male point of view here.

I found a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom wastebasket. Two years after my vasectomy.

In a yellow Penske truck, with all of our belongings in the back, 3 dogs at my feet, no home behind me, and a one year lease on a house I had not seen in a city I had not visited in 5 years ahead of me. Yeah, we were almost exactly halfway across the country, on our way to our new life, when he decided to tell me

A few years ago some dear friends were getting married and I was their graphic designer - it was so much fun (really!) getting to do that, and they were super into having everything be branded for the wedding. We had strict graphic standards for the event.

I went to a wedding where the best man went on at some length about how he didn't think Groom and Bride would last after she had cheated, but he was glad they worked it out ... eventually.