
then you just stamp another serial over the top then grind it all off?

They killed the Tomcats quickly because they didn't want any spare parts walking and finding their way to that other F-14 operator.

I was about the only visitor not wearing a pistol, but I did manage to find some neat new stuff.

I truly feel for people who have real food allergies. I'm sure their lives are 100x harder becasue of having to deal with all the crazies and their made up food issues like "whole nut allergies" and phantom "gluten sensitivity" that make it harder for them to be taken seriously.

You're a douche.

One would think the reason police will camp somewhere is so they can make sure everybody's doing the speed limit, so they fine those who aren't. Well, if I know in advance the cops are going to be there, then I won't speed. You'd think they'd be happy with that. But it seems like they really want that ticket money.

I know Samsung is going to metal because of the trend, but there might be a more important reason: Just take a look at HTC One M8 benchmarks vs the Galaxy S5. You'll see that the M8 performs better because the S5 suffers from thermal throttling. The aluminum unibody acts as a heatsink, drawing heat away from the SOC.

Removable battery. You can't swap the battery on a metal phone. This is a deal breaker for me given the parameters of limited battery life. I always carry two fully charged spare batteries so I can swap them out as needed.

Because its expensive, less durable, and impractical.

It just looks nice.

Male and female (or children's) voices use just about the same frequency range. Yes, male fundamental frequency is lower than female fundamental frequency (for instance, 100 vs. 200 Hz), but there's very little power in the voice at that specific frequency range, so the pitch alone isn't what's important. Here's the

You're the right kind of crazy, kiddo.

It's your birthday, hurray!

For me it's fucking Google Chrome, and I know I'm not alone. For a while, I thought it was my aging Macbook Air with its 90% full hard drive (and to some extent it is), but I've discovered that whenever things get mind-bendingly, rip-my-hair-out, cuss-at-the-computer, "my coworkers must think I have serious anger

Ok, normally I'm always on the staff's side, etc, but Anna Holden's story is kinda dumb because obviously the lady wanted a Cafe Latte and just didn't know how to pronounce it or whatever. Starbucks spells theirs like Caffe Latte.

Putting those pics together sure doesn't help your argument.

Oh, absolutely. Feel free to repurpose old things to do stuff they weren't designed for when you could have better, faster, cheaper and more efficient instead. The abacus example is totally stupid, I stand corrected, I should have at least wired 20 TI-83s together and had it compete with my laptop.

Petty Officer 1st Class, or just Petty Officer, but not First Petty Officer. I don't know what a First Petty Officer is.

Word of Google Glass' demise has yet to reach all users via their preferred social media platforms, to wit, Google+, Google Wave, and Google Buzz.