
Well, if one starts with the premise that society must pay not only for treatment for addicts, but also for their housing and food, then perhaps treatment would be cheaper, although I’d like to see some numbers and recidivism rates.

The ability to be compassionate begins with the ability to be voluntarily compassionate. If I am forced to treat addicts in any particular way, then I don’t have a chance to be compassionate, only to behave in accordance with your beliefs. Perhaps the point of the article was to treat addicts with the best medical

“opt out”

That’s a bit of a stretch.

Maybe we could treat addictions like poor and deliberate choices that often result in terrible health problems, and we could treat diseases like improbably contracted, anomalous conditions that often result in terrible health problems.

If our bodies are our own, then why are our organs not our own to either give away or to sell?

Only the police should have guns, right?

What kind of an asshole puts a dog with an ear infection on a plane? I’ve had a sinus block airborne, and the pain was incapacitating.


“To make matters worse, their phone fell they dropped their phone overboard on the first day.”

Honestly, I had completely forgotten about “cosmonauts.” But, I kind of get that, with the space race being a two-team sport for the first 25 years. I guess, with so many countries with generically-named astronauts in space before the Chinese, having a new name seems unnecessary.

Why do we have a special word for Chinese astronaut?

Also, military jet pilots routinely call our engines, “motors.”

I flew a couple dozen flights with the guy in the first picture; he was my Ops O at VF-201 in Fort Worth in 1997-98. He had just landed his jet after the mid-air, in that photo. You can see he had taken the field arresting gear.

Then, in the baggage claim area, the same dipshits will crowd right up against the carousel, reducing the number of people who can access their bags, reducing visibility to the bags, and requiring those removing their bags to bang the knees of everyone crowded in too close.

“So, between those additional coal industry positions and the eliminations coming to the EPA, the American economy gains a whopping 72 jobs.”

I kinda thought we had already reached the point where we consider women the equals of men. As such, is it not both redundant and a little insulting when we trumpet women accomplishing well-established human achievements? (A dozen men did this great thing 38 years ago.)

One more reason not to wirelessly charge:

Your photo improperly shows an Airsoft gun, which will have an orange muzzle. A BB gun, for all intents and purposes, looks exactly like a firearm.

Just how does one “subdue” an armed gunman closing on one’s position, refusing to follow orders? You have five seconds. Answer correctly or you die. Go.