
I'll bite. I think, if an attacker is smart, calm, and paying attention to me specifically, carrying my CCW will do me little good. In that case, I'll just have to obey the guy and hope he doesn't decide to leave no witness. However, if the criminal is dumb, excited, or distracted (some or all of which are

Pilots and ATC have similar, but definitely not identical, priorities.

I'm afraid you misinterpreted the story I was trying to paint with the math. My point was, about 400 people per year are capable of being NFL players across the entire league. That's a tiny number. That's why they are paid so much. They are rare. Hundreds of people pay and are paid billions of dollars to make

Oh, there's a big supply of those guys, probably 100,000 of them playing in college ball, alone, let alone high school. However, only the top 1,696 make the pros, and with an average pro career of about 6 years, only 300 to 400 make it, per year. So, if you're in the top .3% of big slamming-on-command guys, you get

Because there are not thousands of players who could do the same job. The elite athletes make the huge numbers because they can do something almost no one else can. No so with cheerleaders. It's simple economics: big supply = low price, scarce resource = high price.

This explanation, to my mind, is a good description of the economics of the situation.

Boom goes the dynamite rape card! Well played.

Who said it was better? I hope my tone and pejorative terms "rude, pester, spite, dance" implied the opposite.

On a serious note, this is exactly why so much violence is associated with the illegal drug trade. Get ripped off? There is no recourse within the legal system. One's first, fastest, and easiest form of justice is beating or shooting him that done you wrong.

After reading your article and then all the replies, and being a straight man, I get the distinct impression that the men who are "hitting on" the lesbian women are not hitting on them, at all. Sure, technically, they are using words normally used to approach women in the hopes of meeting/dating/bedding them, but my

FIFY: Vaccinations are not [100%] effective. Sometimes, vaccinated people still catch the disease. That's why there is a second degree of vaccination protection that is equally important, herd immunity. Once a group reaches around 85% vaccinated, even if one of the members is infected, the other 15% (and the people

You forgot to mention that Bill Clinton commuted his sentence.

Both the interns and the cheerleaders are being "paid," just not with money. Interns get experience, a reputation, and a foot in the door; that is their pay. Cheerleaders get minor fame, comradery, increased social prestige, and an interesting Sunday; that is their pay. They know it. They accept the silly rules


"So I guess we should all behave the same way and we should teach a singular set of values and behaviors to all people and ignore the differences that varying personalities bring to society."

No, it's ridiculous to imagine that a group of dancers and their parents, who have put time, effort, and money into a production, shouldn't be upset by the disruptions of one of the members. They should. Having one of the team deliberately screwing up the performance is not part of the program. Clearly, the girl on

It would seem the staff member who entered with the (toy) pistol violated the "no tolerance" policy and should be summarily fired, as should be any conspirators who knew of and encouraged him or her.

Mach 1 *can* be measured at sea level, but it is usually observed at much higher altitudes, since it is easier to achieve there. Only fighter jets (and perhaps experimental aircraft) can get the number on the deck, but even big, fat airliners cruise at around Mach 0.83, at altitude. At sea level, that speed is 660

Just noticed your username. "Toss"? "Power Fap"? "Jack off on the flag"? You seem a little masturbation-preoccupied.

Well, as long as we all understand you don't have anti-military bias... John Wayne? Jack off on the flag? Your Freudian slip is showing, cementing your original statement in its ridiculousness. Despite your arrogant and vulgar conflagrations to the contrary, you are not digging yourself out of your hole, my