If you absolutely must do this, hang a long, obvious red ribbon from the shower cap, such that, after cooking is finished, you will not be able to miss the pennant dangling in space, reminding you to remove the cap.
If you absolutely must do this, hang a long, obvious red ribbon from the shower cap, such that, after cooking is finished, you will not be able to miss the pennant dangling in space, reminding you to remove the cap.
We play "Credit Card Roulette," whereby we all throw a card into a hat and let the waitress draw the "winner."
The next and every time you want to post, why don't you turn off your computer for two minutes. Why? Because I said so, that's why. I may not have any logical justification, but just pretend I am some sort of authority and inconvenience yourself a bit at my whim.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
iElvis is correct in everything he posted.
Well, let's see. Electricity costs about a dime per kilowatt-hour. If your charger uses one Watt for one hour, the amount of electricity you are using is about $0.00001 (1/100 of a cent). If the outlet costs $10.00, amortized over, say, 10,000 uses, the per-use cost of the outlet is $0.001 - (one tenth of a cent).
I've personally done 40' at 540 knots down a highway in Nevada, but we had a saying: "You can only tie the low altitude record."
The nuances and body language of the aircraft directors and pilots are far to complex for this to work anytime soon.
There was a Tomcat pilot who liked to take discarded M-61 cannon barrels, weld a homemade breech on them, and take them out to the desert to fire various projectiles in his not-really-legal-or-smart 20mm rifle.
Tell you what. Next time you feel like blowing a couple bucks, send them to me. I offer a 1:1,000,000 chance that you'll ever get anything back.
I've been using it on O-ring motorcycle chains for 25 years. Since they are internally lubricated, all the WD-40 does is cut through and float away the surface grime and lubricate the O-rings.
Not many know that, in addition to her beautiful voice, Karen Carpenter was a gifted, seemingly-effortless, truly musical drummer.
When will it be ready on my Motorola Xoom tablet, one of the first Android tablets (and a "pure Google" one, at that) and one of the first to get ICS? Stunning that it is still not available.
You could remove all other functions of a progress bar if you could give me a definitive, trustworthy digital answer: Your task is progressing. OR. Your task has permanently frozen.
Well, when your argument deteriorates to a disbelief that law enforcement ever plants evidence and a straw man argument, I really shouldn't bother rebutting you. But, hell, why not?
Yes, you are correct; they arrested him. Arrest is not the same thing as conviction in court.
"since the contents had [ALLEGEDLY] already been seen"
We have a saying: "You can only tie the low altitude record."
I'd like to clarify some differences between "standard" rifles and "assault" rifles.
And that was in good weather, with a steady deck, although the electrical failure at a mile and a half came at an inopportune time and added to the excitement.